
GrnEyz80 Posts: 121
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so I'm having a delima, and even though the correct answer is obvious, it's still conflicting me....

So I paid for 39 sessions with a personal trainer. So far I've had like...10 or less. And I'm doing great, I noticed inches coming off as well as the weight.

I'm home with the family for the holidays and while I'm not gaining any weight (yet) i'm certainly not losing it. We do a lot of activities and are eating healthy, but as Christmas gets closer and closer it's getting harder and harder. I was going to go this season without the cookies and goodies, but do you know how depressing that is? That is a big part of the holidays in my family, and it just isn't the same without getting together to bake. And you can't bake without tasting! I know that even if I try to show some self control...I'm an alcoholic when it comes to sweets, so I'm going to eventually 'crack under the pressure'

Now the delima....

One argument is that I should continue to see my PT during the holidays. Even though I may not progress and lose the weight as I should, it may at least keep me from gaining it all back. Level me off, so to speak. Also, it may give me the motivation to eat less of those goodies.

However, the other argument is that I've seen some major progress with about 10 sessions, which is the amount of sessions I'd probably have during break. But if I'm going to have that bad food, and not lose the weight, should I really "waste" those 10 sessions during the break, or save them for when I'm back home, eating healthy and can really stick to everything and make some real progress?

It's an hour long drive up to see him. I still workout at home, so it's not like I would stop working out all together, just not the super intense sessions. And I'm not sure if I want to use my sessions up with him to stay leveled off, since I know I won't really make great progress while all this is going on. Or if the little bit of gain he will give me will even out the slack from home?

So I'm throwing this delima out to all my weight-loss buddies. I know you guys would understand both delimas. So please any feedback of advice would be great!


  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    Okay this is my honest opinion.....Go see your trainer.

    1. When you excersise your motablolism kicks in so although you think you may not loose wt you just might
    2. More excersise more the more cals you get to eat.
    3. You dont want to gain the lbs back you lost because you will be less likley to stay motivated.
    4. compromise....dont go see him as much, but cont to excersise at your house.
    5. You can still bake and have fun while making good choices
    6. bake stuff that is lower in cals; also no bake cookies tend to be healthier because the dont have things like flour and egg in them
    7. I believe the reason we are so chunky in the US is because everything we tend to do with our family or friends is surrounded by food, so maybe make so new holiday traditions that are either not food related or that have options that are in lower cals.

    Good Luck and lets us know what you think..
  • Well to help with the baking and tasting part! Its so weird how the calories magically fall out when a cookie breaks into smaller pieces!! lol! what I do is brush my teeth and put in my retainer, I only wear it at night so when its in during the day its kinda strange but there is definitely no food going in my mouth then! maybe if you don't have to wear a retainer you could just brush your teeth, and chew gum while you bake? or get a mouth guard for people that grind there teeth at night? its smaller and not as noticeable, not like a boxer's mouth guard anyway! it's just what helps me maybe you think its crazy?! Good luck!!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I personally think you are trying to make excuses to fall off the wagon and come Jan 1st you will be SO disappointed in yourself if you gain any or all of your weight back. I say this because I've done it 100 times. Having a trainer, working out and making healthy choices should be a way a life not just when it's easy. You will feel so proud if you bake with you family and only eat one cookie at the end of the day or something like that. When I go to a party I always wait until right before I'm going to leave and eat so I can't go back or spend the rest of the time graising. On Thanksgiving I didn't cave and eat 1/2 the batch of spinach dip (my biggest weakness) and I felt great! I've had it before, I know what it tastes like and I didn't want to work harder to burn it off. I ended up not eating even a bite of it. As they say in Weight Watchers, "nothing tastes as good as being healthy and thin feels!"
    Best of luck and happy holidays!
  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    I agree with the other ladies. IMO going and seeing the trainer a few times will help you stay on track. Yes you may indulge and not lose weight (but you might too) but if you stick through it and keep working towards your goals 1) your making it a LIFESTYLE change and 2) you probably wont gain 10-20lbs like you might if you skipped going all together. You don't have to even go as often as you would normally to your trainer just go here and there and make him/her keep you motivated to do this!!!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'm torn too. On the one hand, I don't think it's horrible to slack off a bit over Christmas. On the other hand, it's really hard to get back into the routine of eating right and exercising after indulging over the holidays. It's a shame we associate family fun, good times and holidays with the need to overindulge in food, but it's so ingrained in us, it's nearly impossible to change that mindset. Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays, family is a huge part of everything, but if we keep using every excuse to slack will we ever reach our goals?
  • GrnEyz80
    GrnEyz80 Posts: 121
    I had already cancelled my appointments with my PT with the thought that two hours of driving was just too much for a one hour session! But after reading all of your comments you guys gave me a good (GREAT) Kick in the butt. You guys are totally right, I was just looking for an excuse to slack off. So I called my PT back and rescheduled a couple appointments for the week. I decided I can't do the 3 that he was pushing me for...that's just too much driving on my break (I drive for clinicals and then to visit family every other weeked during school, so I really am tired and trying to get a break from all the driving!), but I am going to do two sessions a week. And you guys are right, I may not lose it but I certainly won't gain back all the weight I've lost and have to start TOTALLY over in Jan. And by working out with him it may be easier to have just one cookie rather than 1/2 the batch. Thanks for all the feedback! :flowerforyou:
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