Just me?



  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    we will always be our worst critics.. try not to let it get the best of you..and look to what you have done..and take your next goal in mini goals..I don't know how much more you have..but that has helped me!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I was just discussing this with my husband. I think this is distinctly a girl problem. We have something wrong in our heads that make us do this. When I was in my 20's I was size 8 and fit and looked pretty good. I got married and gradually gained weight ever since. When I was up to size 11 and 12 for so long I kept saying I would give anything to be back to size 8. Well now I exceed that and I'm sizes 2-3 and under 12% BF, yet some days I say "I feel fat" and I REALLY DO FEEL FAT. My jeans feel tight and I'm just thick. Well there are all kinds of things that cycle in our bodies: water retention, digestion, allergies, sodium, carbs, water intake, DOMS, inflammation, the list goes on. You have to just ride it out. Sometimes I just hold up the clothes I wear and say look these fit, I AM NOT FAT! Or I should pull out an old pair of big jeans (I kept a few pairs and wear with a belt for dirty work or painting or whatever). So silly!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Honestly not trying to be Debbie Downer, but I've never ever thought of myself as skinny, let alone healthy. I pretty much thought I was born overweight. :S
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    if i'm over 9% BF i'm fat. -_-
    I am probably around 12% right now so i feel like total crap ....
  • bwcrouch
    bwcrouch Posts: 105 Member
    When I was 45 pounds heavier, I never saw myself as fat? But now I feel fatter than ever. I hate the way I look and feel... Does anyone else struggle with self-perception? I know it sounds crazy to feel fatter now than ever but I really do. Maybe part of it was just denial 45 pounds ago....

    I've lost 32 lbs since June and 40 lb total and I was thinking the exact same thing. So no, its not just you. It seems the more I lose the greedier I get.
  • Blackbird16
    When I was 43kg or 95lbs I felt like a complete whale but now that im 51kg or 112lbs i actually feel sort of thin.. (i'm 5'4 by the way)
    Its really quite strange how that happens
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I think it's part of the Journey, I never use to look at myself twice before. But now it's part of the progress, like it's the only way to really measure what you are doing. So looking, weighing, feeling are all ways that are making you a lot more self aware of your body, so you are becoming more critical. At least that is the case for me, I catch myself examining muscles and checking myself in the mirror a lot more than I ever did before.
  • agriffiths73
    agriffiths73 Posts: 108 Member
    It's not just you - I know I've lost weight, I can even see it in my face, and my clothes are falling off, but I sit in the bath and look at my gut, and it repels me....I stand up and look in the mirror at it too, and it's just there...you know.
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I was the same way. I was fine with how I looked, or at least never dwelled on it.
    Now that I get closer and closer to my goal, I go through highs and lows of "yuuuuck!!" & "meh."
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Could it be that your fat looks different now? I have heard many people say that when they started, their fat was more "solid", but once they started losing it sort of broke up and became more jiggly and lumpy before going away.

    ^^ this. At about 15 lbs down I was feeling pretty good but now I'm at 20lbs down and bunch of inches and my stomach is saggy and it flops around more and my breasts hang lower, even though they haven't gotten smaller. I feel worse now than I did before...except that I SEE my clothes are getting more loose and every day my size 10 jeans that I bought last year when I was 5 lbs lighter and didn't fit, they get more loose on me and are quite comfortable now. It definitely takes a toll on you, but take pictures in whatever way you are most comfortable (naked, bathing suit, workout gear, favorite outfit...whatevs) and do so every few weeks and watch how they fit you differently.

    I think this best describes it for me! ^^^
  • o2bADyer
    Most of us seem to have "those days" and you just need to keep on keeping on...don't give up! You will get where you want to be...you got this! :wink:
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    Could it be that your fat looks different now? I have heard many people say that when they started, their fat was more "solid", but once they started losing it sort of broke up and became more jiggly and lumpy before going away.

    Ruthe8 you could be one to something... it is just so much squishier....

    I read something about a 'whoosh phenomenon'. Where the fat loosens up and gets all squishy just before a major flush. I lost about 3 pounds in a week (when I was good to get more than a pound in a month) that I attributed to the whoosh. I'm hoping I'm due for another soon. ;)
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    When I was 45 pounds heavier, I never saw myself as fat? But now I feel fatter than ever. I hate the way I look and feel... Does anyone else struggle with self-perception? I know it sounds crazy to feel fatter now than ever but I really do. Maybe part of it was just denial 45 pounds ago....

    you could always use that to your advantage you know make your self work harder as my mom always use to say " how bad do you want it kiddo?"
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    I use to be 180lbs and I was very comfortable with myself, it never crossed my mind that I 'was fat' until some guys started making fun of me , jerks. Now I am at 165 and I feel like I am the fattest grossest person I ever saw in the mirror!

    dont let those idiot boys win!!! you are beautiful!! at 165 or 180.. they are idiots
    you hafta :heart: yourself!!!!!!
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    When I was 45 pounds heavier, I never saw myself as fat? But now I feel fatter than ever. I hate the way I look and feel... Does anyone else struggle with self-perception? I know it sounds crazy to feel fatter now than ever but I really do. Maybe part of it was just denial 45 pounds ago....

    self perception is a big part of it... i agree with a lot of what everyone has said!! makes sense to one degree or another!!
    I have lost 15#'s in 6wks.. and i feel so much better!! i have a long way to go.. but i also have been working out EVERY SINGLE DAY.. cardio and strenght training.. so i feel STRONGER/tighter.. more energy!! and with the working out im happier.. cuz it does that!! .. but yes i look at myself and see more of me now then before even.. but now i see myself and feel ok.. and think oh man I was bigger for sure...
    bottom line is you hafta love yourself.. and if it helps put on an old pair of pants or something... sometimes SEEING is believing!!! and last of all.. dont be so hard on yourself!! :flowerforyou:
  • wisters
    wisters Posts: 84 Member
    Amazing...how we are all so critical about ourselves. I look at myself now and I "know" that I am not fat but I find so many other things that I don't like about my appearance that I think I look horrid.

    Horrible stretch marks on my belly, icky neck (to me), what the hell is going on with my deflated breasts (won't even go there), and finally my flabby thighs. Totally sucks!

    But in all honesty, I know I look better and am just finding things to not like. Why???

    My hubby loves me and I have a wonderful family, rewarding career and good friends.

    So seriously, our society put way too much pressure on us to look a certain way and it is a battle we much fight diligently to keep it real
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    I have days like that..today for one...I'm feel fat and frumpy like I haven't lost anything. I'm thinking it's related to the fact that I'm taking a rest today and it's partly guilt..lol.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    When I was 45 pounds heavier, I never saw myself as fat? But now I feel fatter than ever. I hate the way I look and feel... Does anyone else struggle with self-perception? I know it sounds crazy to feel fatter now than ever but I really do. Maybe part of it was just denial 45 pounds ago....

    You've become self-aware and more mindful now. It's a positive thing so don't associate negative thoughts to it.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    ive often wondered if perception is affected by whether a person was always thin and then gained, or if they had always had a weight issue.

    i was always very thin, no more than 105lbs most of my adult life. my weight gain was a huge shock but yet i couldnt see myself realistically because in my head i was still the skinny girl.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Not just you. I think most people have issues with body image after weight loss, especially if the time spent as a heavier person wasn't short.

    The head game is part of it, but there are for sure changes to skin, body composition, etc, that take getting used to. Or changing to the degree that's possible, of course.