NO TO SALT. It's SO time!

lilcowbell Posts: 12
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone. I found this site in the summer and was doing well.....and then winter hit. You know how that goes! Anyway, no excuses, gotta get back at it!
My first real change....I'm going to try and give up table salt :sad: I feel like a crack addict giving up crack! I LOVE salt, and am addicted. I have done it cold turkey before when I was 24 but a couple of years later I got back on it. I am 34 now and I better give it up before I start having real health issues because of it.

To all on this site, I wish everyone the best of luck and it seems to be a very positive forum!!!


  • abatres7
    abatres7 Posts: 146
    Good Luck. Try and stay away from processed food. It has a lot of sodium.
  • I was forced to go no salt two years ago - my sodium/potassium was out of whack and my entire legs swelled up. Get some Mrs. Dash if you desire seasonings. I use anytime I need to put extra spice or I just use pepper.

    I also buy the unsalted butter, buy lower sodium soups and broths and limit how much processed food (frozen & boxed) that I eat. It has helped greatly.
  • I was just about to say, mrs. dash is amazing if you wanna cut out sodium.

    Fresh herbs and lemons make excellent seasonings as well.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    I've cut way back on my salt usage. You can go into tools and track your salt usage in your food diary. It is in so many foods.

    My BP was creeping up and staying within low sodium guidelines really helps.

    Dr Oz says 1500 mg (if I am remembering correctly). But the food tracker here says 2500.

  • Thanks for all the posts, and yep, Mrs Dash and lemon are on the agenda to help. I had my first big meal without reaching for the salt shaker and boy was it tough! But I am determined to get rid of the salt shaker for good, it'll kill me eventually if I don't!!!
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