Disappointed and worried

Hi. I started this program last year but life threw me a curve ball and I am trying this again. I started working out 3-4 times a week for two weeks and now I have been 6 days a week for a couple of weeks. I also started watching what I eat 9 days ago. Everyone says that the first few pounds come off quickly and easily but I haven't seen that. I have lost 4 pounds in two weeks but I worked my butt off and ate right. This worries me that I might have a hard time losing my weight. I am 41, 5' 3" and 143.5 pounds. My goal is 120 pounds.

I just hear others say they lost more weight right off the bat and I didn't so I get discouraged. Thanks for letting me whine a little bit. :)



  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    Honestly, 4 pounds in 2 weeks for someone your size is pretty impressive. I'm slightly larger than you (160 pounds, 5'4"), and it has taken me over a year to lose 20 pounds. You're going a great job! In fact, I would maybe slow down your weight loss. Slow and steady wins the race. It is more likely you'll keep off the weight if you don't take extreme measures (too little food, too much exercise) because that lifestyle will be very difficult to maintain. Congrats to you for making a comeback!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Whine all you like!

    I'm, 50, 5'2, currently 140 and aiming for 130.

    Honestly, when you're pretty close to goal weight, 4lbs in 2 weeks is absolutely brilliant! That's 2 lbs a week! Normally at this level you'd be aiming for 1/2 lb a week - so all your effort is really paying off. Pat yourself on the back!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    You're loosing 2 pounds a week?? That's awesome! That's even bordering on TOO fast! Be easy on yourself- you didn't wake up overweight and you won't wake up fit. One pound at a time. :)
  • schicksa
    schicksa Posts: 123 Member
    You're not that heavy to start with, 4lbs is huge! It wouldn't be healthy for someone of your size to lose that regularly that fast. Once things level out, you should be at .5-1lb per week.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Really 2 lbs a week is plenty, especially with only about 20 lbs to lose! In fact, 2 lbs a week is more what you would expect for someone who has a lot more than you to lose. I know it's frustrating how slow it goes, but you're doing really well. A lot of people have a big weight loss in that first week or two, but not everyone does, and some people even gain, despite doing everything "right". So, you didn't have a massive initial loss, but you're now losing at a great rate. It really wouldn't be a good idea to lose any faster than you are doing. As you get closer to your goal, it will probably slow down a bit more, because your body has less fat stored and wants to hang onto it. So forget what "everyone" says, and try not to compare yourself to other people. You're doing great.
  • downhomedixie13
    Don't give up! I'm 5'2" and in 2010 hit 140lbs... I lost 25lbs by changing only my diet, no exercise, (down to 115) and then I gained back 10lbs... I'm now at 123.

    When I was 115 (and now) I was "Fat Skinny" since I didn't work out at all. I'm mean I'm small but I got flab.... and that's also why I ended up gaining back some weight. I'm now in what I'm calling "round two" adding working out into my life since I have the diet down.

    So what I'm trying to say is sometimes you have to tackle one thing at a time to be able to make it a good habit in your life. If you seem to have trouble with a huge lifestyle switch tackle it peice by peice!! You will get there!! :)
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    2lbs per week is probably the MOST you should lose at your stats to avoid LBM loss.
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Hang in there! Losing weight takes time. You have a program to follow and most people's mistake at losing weight is to give up too soon. You will see results eventually. I am telling you this because I am struggling esp today with feeling great about my program as I don't see weight loss in these first two weeks. I do see change though. I am 5'0, 60 yo, started a year ago with MFP but really just committed to workouts recently. I have been attending 2 fitness classes a day 5 days a week for spinning and resistance training. I am on my second week and I use the BodyBugg so I see that I am burning calories, but I also log my foods and see that I am eating more. Pretty clear what I need to do to see weight loss. Where do you think the problem is for you?