how do you do excerise with toddlers?



  • mariahealthyfit
    I Sinead, I know how you feel! i LOVE to walk and swim but my little guy (18 months) started walking two months ago and since then has refused to go for walks with me while he's in the buggy! I am lucky enough to have just started going back to the gym. I swim too. There is a creche in the gym but I had to switch gyms to find one with a creche. It' s 20min drive from my house, but it's the only way. Anyhow, I don't know if you like pilates, but there is this girly Cassey Ho, her channel is called Blogilates on YouTube. I try to squeeze that in while the little guy is watching cartoons in his high chair. I'm only able for the beginner workouts at the moment but she does have easier modifications even in the more advanced ones. Sorry to hear you don't get much of a break! 12hr shifts and a toddler is no joke! I'm run off my feet too and he's not the best napper! Hope this helps. I'll friend you and hopefully you will find a solution! b
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    hi i have a 4yr old, 2yr old and 15month old and i agree its hard to try and get fit around them! i am doing insanity tho at the moment, they wake up around 7-7-30am so i get up an hour earlier to exercise, or i get them breakfast and while they are eating i do 30DS as thats only 25mins. i walk everywhere too if my 2yr old is tried i get them both in double pram and go for long walks in the countryside.

    you could also go swimming which is fun for you both, going to park and chasing her around, get a dance game if you have a games console and both join in. just chasing her around will burn some cals!

    i have lost 63lbs so far and not been to a gym once! i also have my OH watch the kids if i want to go out in the evening on my bike or to a zumba class. i have a kids seat that can go on the back of my bike and my 2yr old fits in hes about 28lbs its up to 40lbs so thats an idea

  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Start an exercise club at your house, invite others with toddlers over... hire someone to watch em for the hour and everyone there chips in $2 or $3 bucks.

    There are tons of exercises you can do in your yard... anything core, mountain climbers, pushups, sprints, any kind of jumping combination, etc. Put together several circuits and do em while the kid plays outside with you.

    Put on a workout video, sit the kid down with some toys in the same room.. start doing the video.. if he/she is in the same room as you there isn't much he/she can do to hurt themselves and if he/she is upset that your not giving him/her the attention for your 30 minutes he/she will get over it after 2 or 3 times of realizing it's just how it is. After your 30 minutes give em all the love and attention they could ever want or desire.
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    Wrap them to your body via Harness or woven wrap ... Then look at them like a weighted vest.. Proceed to work out ..

    Toddler thinks its fun, you get better results.

    Its a Win Win ..

    My 2 year old loves to get on Daddy's back for push ups.. adding another 28lbs does wonders for me.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    My 14 mo is 31 lbs. I hold him while doing squats, he jumps on my back when doing push ups..


    During his nap
    or...Hubby watches him when i work out
    or..after his goes to bed
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Toddler presses ( bench pressing a toddler)
    Toddler lifts

    And get your child to hold onto your legs while you do leg lifts!

    My kids are 22 and 20 now and there is no way I would try this now
  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    If she interrupts you, you keep doing your workout and remind her that you need to finish before the two of you can play.

    You keep doing this; you do NOT give in and stop the video. Ignore her if you must, it will not kill her. By the 3rd time, if you are CONSISTENT, she will get it.

    You must establish this now, or you will end up one of those forlorn, run-down, excuse-making mothers whose children overrun everything they do and never, ever make it back to their original identities.

    Bit harsh, imo. Nothing's ever that black and white.

    So the fact that I don't happen to ignore my children to slavishly adhere to a 30 minute block of "me time" each day (during the day) means that I must be a shadow of my former self, surrounded by spoilt children? Gosh. [cough] Right. Sorry, I've got stuff to do.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I have 5 kids at home. The options are: before they wake, during nap time or after the youngest are in bed at night. I'm a bedtime nazi... the 2 year old is in bed by 7; 6 y/o at 7:30; 8 y/o at 8pm, 9 y/o at 8:30 and the 12 y/o is hunkered down in her room by 9:30 even if she's not ready to sleep so that the adults get some quiet time in the evening to work out or connect. Mind you, we can work out in our basement after the 2 year old is in bed... the other kids can keep occupied for an hour.

    When DH is working I sometimes get a sitter. I also try and work out the one day a week my 2 y/o is in daycare. You could also share with another mom... you drop your kid off with her for an hour three times a week and she drops hers off with you for an hour 3 other times a week. You don't get to work out together but you do get to work out that way and the kids stay occupied.

    There's always a way.
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    Put them in dungerees and use them as weights!!!!:laugh:
  • doitforabby
    doitforabby Posts: 137 Member
    Do you have a Wii? When my 4yo was littler, I could trick her by giving her the extra remote & she thought she was working out with me to the Wii. I even had a white plastic top to a tote that I would put down & she thought that was her Wii board!