

  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    Yea. I have off and on counted calories over the past few months and they are usually pretty low. I just can't grasp the idea that I am not eating enough. It seems so strange to me. How can an obese person working out a lot not lose weight even if they tend to not get enough calories apparently. It doesn't make sense. What about all the calories in calories out bs? What about my stupid doctor and his "1000 calorie girl" crap!
    Not yelling at anyone in particular. Just frustrated as hell.
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    Yea. I have off and on counted calories over the past few months and they are usually pretty low. I just can't grasp the idea that I am not eating enough. It seems so strange to me. How can an obese person working out a lot not lose weight even if they tend to not get enough calories apparently. It doesn't make sense. What about all the calories in calories out bs? What about my stupid doctor and his "1000 calorie girl" crap!
    Not yelling at anyone in particular. Just frustrated as hell.

    I understand and feel your frustration...

    I would try for blood work... see if you can get thyroid levels checked
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    you can go to Fitness frog and they have calculators to figure out your BMR and TDEE (then subract 20%) from your TDEE and that is what you should be eating .... it bases it on all of the information you input, just have to be honest about it.
    I noticed in an earlier post you haven't done this is almost the first step in the process....a measuring scale and go from there.

    Good luck.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    I totally and completely understand your frustration! I am 5'1" and last Nov I weighed 170 lb and I worked out all the time...but what I learned and that its not all about the exercise...once I got here to MFP and really was honest about what I put in my mouth and I really weigh and measure EVERYTHING before I eat it...I started losing.

    You would be surprised how small 4 ounces of chicken breast really is when your used to eating a whole chicken breast...things like that really make a difference. My suggestion is to start here, weigh, measure and log EVERYTHING and give yourself some time, maybe 4-6 weeks. I don't know how old you are but the older you get the longer it take to take the weight off. And like every one else said, get your thyroid checked also.

    I eat 1200 calories a day, feel free to look at my diary, I eat chocolate almost every day, I never feel hungry or I don't drink whisky every day but I do enjoy a beer or a glass of wine occasionally.

    Give it a chance and don't give up...there are tons f people here to support you!
  • GhostPack
    GhostPack Posts: 197 Member
    I did a 90 min bike ride last thursday and murdered 1400 calories. Not to mention my swimming and running.

    Please take the time to look at the roadmap link. I can't see your diary to know if you are eating enough - but with a training schedule like yours you are more than likely under feed. Too big of a calorie deficit will stop/stall weight loss and can actually cause fat retention. With a bodyfat% in the 30's you should not really have a deficit larger than TDEE-20%. You are burning huge amounts of calories with your training and they need to be added back into you daily calorie consumption.

    If you need help with the calculation PM me and I'll run them or double check them for you.
    Take the offer of help from 2hobbit1. (Way to go 2Hobbit1! Love to see people offering help!)
    Murdering 1400 cals does not mean your are loosing weight. Your body will want to keep reserves for burns like this.
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks everyone. I am feeling better. I was going to "off" myself but that is how badly I was feeling.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Thanks everyone. I am feeling better. I was going to "off" myself but that is how badly I was feeling.

    This is crazy-talk. Not even funny if you were kidding. You have two kids. You're 28 years old. You're only 50 or so pounds overweight. You're not eating enough, and your brain isn't functioning well....never mind your body.

    You are making yourself depressed. Get enough nutrition and this won't seem like such a disastrous situation.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    what is your work out regimen like?
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Are you on meds for bipolar? Medications can make you gain or at least keep you from losing. And you should definitely get your thyroid checked--problems with the thyroid actually make bipolar symptoms worse.

    I have been tempted to do something insane like that, but it isn't for me.
    First: I don't do well without food. I get irritable FAST. I get headaches HARDCORE. I get tired INSANELY tired. I want to run jump and play too much to be starving.
    Second: The irritable, headache, tired me is a stressed me. Stressed me is not good. I am bipolar=no stress allowed. Also, stress causes weight gain and I wouldn't be able to stick to the plan so the stress would be there and...well more fat me.
    Thanks anyway.
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    Sorry. I have lived with depression on and off so long I forget people are not use to that sort of talk like I am. I was on meds but I was RAVENOUS on them and freaked out because of the weight gain. I turned to fitness and health to deal with my moods, plus lots of rest and limited stress. It is difficult. I am so not going to kill myself, but sometimes I get down enough to feel like it would be an option if I didn't have a family. No worries.

    My trainer and I do a lot of strength training. Even though I am complaining about my weight, I am super strong compared to when I first started. So that is one thing to be thankful for. I have legs of steel and can do planks for days! haha

    I am talking to hobbit. Yea my training can get pretty intense sometimes. I get so focussed on my goals that I guess I haven't taken everything into account. Long way to go yet.
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    Also I was thinking it could be a sluggish liver or something. Considering the former alcoholism and copious amounts of coke zero to mix those delicious drinks with.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    maybe you should mix it up with circuit training slightly lighter weights and more reps with less rest and mix in some sprinting intervals....I am not a trainer but that always worked for me when I first started working out....