Am i over exercising ???



  • runrockclimb
    When I was in high school I had a friend who was a lot like you... at least what you sound like. She was fine in high school, but shes really having trouble right now... about 8 years down the road. I would say rather than seeking advice on a forum you ACTUALLY speak with your doctor and be honest and forthright about what you do, what you are feeling, and what you are eating, or not. Only you and a trained professional can decide if what you are doing and eating are right for you. Its possible that you are fine, but its also possible you're in trouble. So see a doctor, for real.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Its hard to over train, only under eat. How else to Olympic athletes train 5-6 days a week, several hours a day?