Trouble sleeping...

MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been having trouble sleeping lately. :(

The past 4 nights in a row, I have been having a difficult time sleeping. I'm wondering if my new lifestyle has something to do with it. I'm not having any caffiene or alcohol. Not eating chocolate. I'm eating lots of fruits, vegetables, fibre and protein. Drinking lots of water. I'm just NOT having an easy time getting to sleep. It's not that I have a lot on my brain, either- I just lay there and find I'm not really all that tired. When I wake up, I'm tired (feel like I haven't gotten enough sleep) but am NOT tired when I go to bed.

Anyone else experience this? I'm used to sleeping about 10 hours per night because I have mild sleep apnea (wake up quite a bit during the night because of it, so I need to sleep for longer periods than most people to make up for it). Now I'm running on about 8 hours- which is normal for the average person, but not me!


  • I have self diagnosed sleep anxiety lol! The best thing i found is reading... the bible works for me because a little on the boring side (not a bad thing, but its not always a page turner, no disprespect intended). Or just something that is not super exciting, just a relaxing read for about 30 minutes really gets me sleepy and ready for bed.
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    I feel ya. I'm an insomniac-- and it sucks big time. I have to take meds for it and even then sometimes it doesn't work.

    I don't know if it has anything to do with your new lifestyle. It could. Are you sure there's not anything bothering you or anything on your mind?

    I've been told to make lists of everything on my mind bf I go to bed, that way it's "off my mind" and onto paper. I've tried meditation-- sometimes that helps.

    Try not to do anything that stimulates your mind right bf bed-- the computer, billls, etc. (I am sooo guilty of not following this--haha!)

    Also, try a cup of milk before bed. And, don't exercise at least 3 hours bf bed if at all possible.

    Try a warm bath or shower bf bed.

    Hope you get some sleep. It's no fun being a walking zombie.
  • Do you exercise at night? I find that if I exercise in the evening after dinner, it gives me a boost and I don't feel tired at bedtime. I try to exercise right after work so I can wind down.

    I've never had sleeping problems - that would be VERY tough for me. Hope you find the answer!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Thanks for the tips!

    I do exercise at night- but usually about three hours or so before I go to bed. It's never affected my ability to sleep before. And actually, the past few nights I haven't been exercising at all because of all the running around I've been doing getting ready for Christmas. I'm burning lots of calories just doing that- and keeping my food intake at a good level to go with it.

    I haven't changed any of my night-time habits, and never had trouble sleeping before. I am not under stress and don't have a lot on my mind. I honestly feel the same as I always had- just can't seem to fall asleep. It's really strange....
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Could your sleep apnea be lessening because of your weight loss so you don't need as much sleep? Maybe you could try adjusting your sleep schedule to only 8 hours. See if you're tired at bedtime then and are able to fall asleep and stay sleeping and if you wake up feeling rested. I've heard of people with sleep apnea that did not have to use a CPAP after losing weight. But it's not that way for everyone but could still be worth checking out.
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