Loved ones trying to make you fat?



  • stagknight
    stagknight Posts: 130 Member
    Just explain to him that your goals are different, that you want to be happy and aren't and you want to go separate ways.
    Then don't talk to him, answer his calls, don't skype him, don't email. Clean break and a new start. I spent years splitting up with girls I liked and dating girls my family wanted me to. I was forever told that the girls I wanted to see, were "not our type of girl" so I put my family first and not me. Now I am 47, single and fat. Go out, find someone, even if it isn't the bloke at the gym, have fun, do silly things, make mistakes, but over all be happy and be you. You matter, You deserve to be happy and you still have a life ahead as a very attractive girl, I looked at your photos and you could pick and choose men like a kid in a candy store. Go get your life back.
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    I'm not trying to talk badly about my bf. I love him, he is a great person and has done so much for me. I would never do anything to hurt him and that's why I don't want to break up with him and break his heart... Hes not very understanding so he wouldn't understand that I need to focus on me because he doesn't see how he would be getting in the way with that.

    No one needs to be stuck with someone who isn't good or right for them. Especially at such a young age. It's fine to love and care about people... but when you pick the guy you're going to spend your life with, he needs to be the one who's a good fit.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    You already know the answer to the question. he's not the one for you and you know it. Don't keep wasting time with him.
    You're still a very young woman, don't waste years with this one and miss out on finding someone right. (Which is what I did).
    Feeling sorry for him won't make either of you happy.

    I agree with her!