Scale increase after pump?? Is this normal?

I am not sure what is going on and whether this is normal - but nevertheless it is frustrating me!

On Monday I weighed myself. This week I have eaten nothing but clean and within my calorie range. e.g of daily food is:

B - is boiled egg on 1 slice of wholemeal toast for breakfast
S - morning snack yoghurt;
L - big salad with chicken breast (lett, cuc, beets, carrot, green bean, etc),
S - 2x vita wheat with tuna
D - protein and salad

I am always above 1200 but not over my goal. I drink about 2.5-3 L of water a day and I have not consumed alcohol, fruit juice or soft drink.

For exercise this week I done 2 x pump, 1 x ab blast and a session on treadmill doing intervals for 25 mins (walk, spring, jog etc) plus I walked to and from work each day = 25mins.

I get on the scale this morning and I have gained 1.5kg in 5 days!

Can someone help me? I feel like I am eating nothing but clean, healthy foods and doing my best with exercise ( I normally do more cardio than I have this week).

Why am I gaining?


  • laurie571
    laurie571 Posts: 152 Member
    It's likely just water weight. If your TOM is coming that is completely normal. Also if you eat foods high in sodium you will retain water
  • Zythe
    Zythe Posts: 5 Member
    What laurie said. You are likely just retaining water weight. Did you eat high carb/sodium the day before you weighed yourself?
    Make sure you weigh yourself at the same time in the morning right when you wake up (sounds like you are doing this). Give it another few days and weigh yourself again, as long as you are consistently eating in a calorie deficit you WILL lose weight.
  • Thanks :) It is really frustrating and bugging me! I pick up my wedding dress in 3 weeks..and then have to maintain that weight and size for another 4 weeks for the wedding.
    I am finding the drastic scale change very distressing. I cant figure out what I am actually weighing!

    Umm dont think I have eaten too much sodium. Just a lot of meats and salads for the most part. Ill keep an eye on it tho.
  • laurie571
    laurie571 Posts: 152 Member
    Our weight can fluctuate a few pounds either way just in one day... that is why its important to weigh yourself at the same time everyday. Dont stress the dress... Im sure it will be perfect
  • Amanda750
    Amanda750 Posts: 9 Member
    I am having the same problem! I weighed today and was expected a loss but it wasnt. I ate clean all week, at my calories and did pump twice and lots of cardio. Very frustrating!
  • agreed with all above. if you're consistent, and keep at it, you WILL drop. weight loss is more like going down a mountain, stopping to rest at a cliff for a while, then going back down, rather than a straight descent.

    oh and speaking of TOM, for about a year now I've been drinking Jillian michaels recipe for detox water firing that week and it a HUGE help. google it and drink it along with all your water and you will not have that yucky bloated feeling. or I'll drink it everyday a few days before I have some sort of event or something I want to look a little extra trim for. good luck! :)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    water weight.

    drink more water and lower carbs for a day or two, and it'll probably come right off.
  • Are you eating enough? You need fuel for exercise, if you are working out that much 1200 cals is certainly not enough.