Calorie Cycling. Yes or No

Hi All,

I've been reading up on Calorie Cycling. Anyone try it? Does it work? Don't want to try if it doesn't have a benefit.



  • StormyGal8
    StormyGal8 Posts: 184 Member
    I am interested in seeing what people have to say about this.

    The science behind it makes sense to me, and while I did do it for a bit when I was first working on losing weight, I was finding that it was hard to find the time to mix up my daily caloric goals (I feel like I am crazy busy these days).
  • bdkato
    I cycle my cals accourding to my workout schedule. For example, I do cardio everyday so dont count this as it adds to my calorie deficit. However, on days I do weight training ( every other day) I increase my calories by about 400 for energy and muscle recovery. Since I am a guy this means 1800-2000 calories on a regular day and approximatly 2200-2400 on weight training days.