Please help...I just don't get it!

leighoconnell Posts: 217
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So everytime I go hunting I seem to gain a tremendous amount of weight after it which sticks around for a week then I drop to my normal weight then a couple days after that I loose the weight (I presume I lost while hunting). I just don't understand. Yesterday I went hunting and burned 4200 calories (the weekend trip before that burned 15,000). I ate healthy the entire time including jerky, a turkey sandwhich, and tons of water. Although for dinner on way home I did have a Sprite, Wendy's boneless chicken wings and some fries :blushing: but hey I just walked 20 miles carrying snow gear and a gun through thick brush and snow...I think I deserved a treat. In any case I had finally reached the halfway mark (194 lbs!!!!) the day before I left and today I weigh a whopping 202! What happened!

I see my fiance for the first time in 6 months next Wed and my goal was to weigh 190 (33 lbs weightloss) by the time he gets here and now it looks like that's ruined. :sad:


  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    My guess is water retention. Without knowing exactly what you eat and what exactly you do to burn that many calories... that's my best guess.

    Remember, jerky is loaded with sodium.
  • My guess is water retention. Without knowing exactly what you eat and what exactly you do to burn that many calories... that's my best guess.

    Remember, jerky is loaded with sodium.

    I am hoping it is water retention. I feel bloated and I know the Wendy's has a lot of sodium and I had a ton of jerky. If it is water rentention any good ideas on how to get rid of it quick?
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    To flush out the sodium, drink more water.

    If you want to rationalize it out- think that to have gained 5 pounds you would have had to have eaten an additional 17500 calories beyond your maintenance number.

    It also occurred to me that maybe because you are outside in the cold so much while hunting, your body feels like it needs to pack on weight and calories to protect itself from the cold. I don't have any sources to back that up but it makes sense to me.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Drink lots of water to flush it out of your system. Could it also be your time of the month or close to it? You may have also gained muscle which weighs more.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    This happens to me when I do a lot of squats and other leg work. Rest, Green Tea and foods high in pottasium (shoot for the recommended daily allowance of 3500) help me and keep the sodium near 700-1000 for a couple of days.

    Hope it works for you
  • Hi! That would be frustrating! I think you are retaining water. You said you ate jerky and a turkey sandwich. Jerky has alot of sodium and so does lunch meat. Plus if you drank alot of water, that sodium is causing you to retain the water. The Wendy's food you ate also contains alot of salt. That's all it is. You are doing good, just keep drinking that water and cut way back on the salt. Also, if you are walking that much, you are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat! Muscle is good because it burns the fat. Try not to look at the scale so much and see how your clothes are fitting you.I bet by next wednesday you will be just fine. Keep up the good work!!!! Tracie:happy:
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    I can relate to the "bloating" feeling after I've eaten too much sodium-- or even when it's that TOM.

    For relief, drink more water (I know, right-- haha) and try drinking warm teas. I especially like "pu erh tea". It is soothing to me for some reason. I also go for a run to sweat it out.

    I know this may sound weird and probably not even true... but, I feel like bananas help me flush out sodium. It may just be a mental thing for me...
  • tvgal
    tvgal Posts: 87
    giiiirl - jerky is full of salt!!! i bet that's exactly what it is!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    I went through something similar recently, been exercising like crazy, had a several big sodium days and I gained 2 pounds. Anyway, after I figured out it was the sodium, I drank only water the next day, got on the scale and nearly dropped 4 pouns in a single day. Do the water flush thing, bet it works.
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    Honestly it's gotta be the salt. I had the same problem - I didn't realize how much sodium I was really ingesting and when I started to cut back I noticed a huge difference
  • raleigh
    raleigh Posts: 87 Member
    Actually, you are right- a banana has a lot of potassium, which kind of cancels out sodium
    thats why bananas are good for keeping BP down
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