Hello All,

I recently started reading Wheat Belly which was written by a physician explaining the impact of the modern genetically mutated form of wheat on our health and bodies. For as long as I can remember (I am 23, so not THAT long), I have had digestive issues. Most doctors say it is IBS and to try this and that and nothing has ever completely solved the issue (mainly, crazy constipation and incredible bloating that makes me appear 6 months pregnant even at a normal, healthy weight).

Anyways, reading testimonies of people who had very similar symptoms to me and how eliminating wheat and wheat products from their diets completely changed their lives, bodies, and how they feel has given me a new hope to "cure" my issues!

My mom (who has even more severe symptoms than me) and I are starting on a wheat-less diet journey together and so I am wondering if anyone out there has helpful tips and advice on how to maintain this lifestyle. If anyone is in a similar situation or wheat-free also PLEASE friend me so I can get food ideas and ask questions along the way!