29 years old - looking for supportive friends!

Hi all - I recently joined the MFP community in an attempt to get healthier. I am 5'3, weight about 140 right now. I would like to lose about 15-20 lbs, but mostly increase my fitness level and just look and feel better.

I am fairly active; I ride horses several times a week and do a combination of fitness classes (Bodyworks, Kickboxing) and strength training about 4 times a week as well. However, I also have a very sedentary desk job so I sit for long hours each day.

MFP set my calorie goal at 1200 and I get some additional from exercise. I usually do not eat all of my exercise calories and fall around 1300-1500 calories per day. I eat a moderate amount of carbs (goal is ~100/day, although I do go over that sometimes). Good craft beer is my weakness. My diary is open if you want to take a look.

Just looking for friends who are motivating and supportive! Let's help each other be healthier!