Seeking fitness / health not just extreme dieting

I am not knocking super low carlorie diets but that is just not my thing. My wife and I are very active and my diet reflects that. Looking for similar people who can help me fine tune my eating and give me grief when I have kettle chips with lunch (the last two days). Thanks in advance for your reply.


  • I think I'll add myself into this so people can add me too

    And kettle chips are awesome, I get the baked kind, nothing wrong with those
    Potatoes and sunflower oil, no chemicals.
  • acs4162
    acs4162 Posts: 99 Member
    ...would like for someone to throw away the kettle chips?...:happy:
  • I have had great success and a happy bellay with these recipe books (note: i am starting veganhood for health reasons- you can add meat to any dish from these resources)




    Great, healthy philosophies and recipes. Hope this helps.
  • Kap10
    Kap10 Posts: 229 Member
    Most people I know on here are not into extreme diets, but have used MFP to eat sensibly, keep and eye on their diets and add a little exercise - and they are the most long term successful.

    For me ... MFP has not stopped me eating anything ... curries, chips etc ... I just know I have to eat in moderation and adopt strategies that enable me to continue to indulge without stuffing myself and it has helped me enjoy cycling, fight training and walking. Result 35 Lbs loss in 2012.
  • I haven't come across any extreme dieters so far... I'm using this as motivation to eat healthy and get back into training rather than lose weight.
    Let training slide when I damaged a tendon in left pec so using this as a good kick up the butt ;)
  • navywife5810
    navywife5810 Posts: 63 Member
    Eat your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) - 20%.

    Its okay to have regular food. Not everyone can eat like a bird. I know I don't. I'm always slipping up. I have to agree it's not really about cutting yourself off from foods completely. It's more about finding a way to make all your foods balance. To be honest, I haven't figured it out completely yet, but I'm still losing steadily.

    Go Here:

    It's really the best advice I can give you. If you agree with what you read there, then you're set. It's not the norm on MFP, but it's definitely worth it because I don't want to lose weight by starving myself. If you need advice, you can join the group and there are plenty of us willing to help!

    AND if you just want a list of things you should and shouldn't put in your body, you need to get a book called The New Rules of Lifting. My husband read it yesterday & now wants to go shopping because it answered every question he had about nutrition.
  • NoCoolUsername
    NoCoolUsername Posts: 12 Member
    I use MFP to track my food intake and to tack my exercise.

    I love to run and train 6 days a week and have a very busy full time job, 2 children and a husband so o tend to forget to eat at times.. If I am using this I can see my protein etc and see what else I need.
  • I'm new and am trying to lose weight...but the right way of course. I've lost weight like10 years ago by extreme dieting. I just can't do it now. I've got 2kids to take care of bow and I can't be that cranky beyotch I was when I dieted extreme like that cus I was hungry all the time. I'm not just trying to lose weight though. After I lose about 25lbs I plan to start doing some weight lifting. With my past experience I know I have to also lift to actually be toned and not just be thinner. I actually do want to be fit...and definitely more active. I'm just beginning and have to remind myself it's going to take time. :)