If it wasn't for MFP would you?



  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    Still, MFP is a great tool. It helps me see clearly what I put in my mouth everyday. =)

    sometimes it's even our feet (hello, forums!). MFP has been amazing. i think i knew all the tricks and "secrets" beforehand but never actually was mindful about my caloric, not to mention, macro, intake...and then i wasn't exercising nearly enough. i didn't know then what i know now about protein and lifting...and i wasn't able to lose ANY weight without MFP. i'm 153 now, down from 163. that's the most i've ever lost in my life, granted it took a year, BUT STILL!
  • sherise1214
    sherise1214 Posts: 45 Member
    Yes, I actually very much knew and was aware of health and weight facts. I use the tools to track my progress and to help me make better choices when i see the nutrient content quickly and easily.
  • jimmeezwyf
    jimmeezwyf Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you ladies and gents! I just wanted to see if others use this place as more of a guide and motivational tool rather than a place to belittle people who have been at a healthy BMI most of their lives. I have found that people on here are extremely judgmental know it alls. I've mentioned how, from time to time, I take natural fiber pills, take a natural herbal diuretic, and cut my carbs for a few days every couple of months to detox (I feel great after I do it, and was recommended to me by a nutritionist after I had plateaued after my 3rd pregnancy). 80% of the time I eat clean and workout. I have been criticized or made fun of for how I do things, but yet I am healthy and when I do choose to overeat or eat garbage I don't gain any weight at all. I just think it's funny that there are so many "haters" here. I also use motivational tools such as writing down my goals and hanging my skinny jeans where I can see them everyday...been made fun of for that too on here. All the while these people have never maintained a healthy BMI or ever fit into a single digit sized pants themselves. I know that listening to my body has been one of the keys to always being able to lose my pregnancy weight, MFP was just a bonus tool for me!