I'm Stuck

lgfeilmeier Posts: 21
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey Everyone,

I'm stuck, I'm at that plateau. How do I get moving in the right direction? I've tried eatting my exercise calories and not eatting my exercise calories. I've tried working out longer. I've even injected more fruits and vegtables in my system than I've ever eatten before. It's been about 5 weeks at the same range. If I keep doing what I'm doing will it eventually drop or do I need to do something else. How has everyone else gotten the scale to continue to move down? I"m interested to know what activity or food helped.

Thank you for any advice you might have.


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    tough to offer any advice without knowing your situation. Can you give us your info, your routine, maybe access to your food diary. Things like age, weight, height, activity level, any medical conditions will all help in giving you help. Any information that may help us come to conclusions would be helpful.
  • You say you are working out longer - are you varying what you are doing? Changing up you workouts could help.
  • Sure, I'd love the push over the edge so here is some more information. I'm 26, only 5'4", I make sure to stay within my 1,200 calories a day usually eatting my exercise calories. My usual exercise routine consists of 30-45 minutes on the elliptical in the morning I've started increasing the resistance these past two weeks. When it's not freezing outside I can usually get a 15 minute walk in at night with the dog. I've also just started adding 100 crunches a day.

    I'm at a healthy weight, but the "healthy" weight range is 107-145lbs! I'd like to be closer to the 110-115 range of that healthy weight. I"m guessing I have about 11lbs to go.

    No medical issues. I work at a desk so it's hard to get much in during the day.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    No medical issues. I work at a desk so it's hard to get much in during the day.

    On Sparkspeople.com they have some workout videos, and one of them is a workout to do in your office. I haven't watched it yet, but it's a thought as to a way to change up your routine. However I'm not sure I'm the best person to give advice. I have been "stuck" for 3 weeks now!:blushing: Good luck!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    so, I'll assume about 126 to 130 lbs. That brings your Normal TDEE (maintenance calories) without exercise and assuming lightly active (desk job, exercising a few times a week) to about 1800 plus calories a day. That means if you're at 1200 that's a 600 calorie deficit, which is actually quite a large deficit for someone in your situation. IMHO you should raise your calories to around 1400 to 1450 and expect 1/4 to 1/2 lb per week maximum for weight loss. I also wrote a post about avoiding plateaus, you're welcome to paruse it if you like.

  • JOY621
    JOY621 Posts: 71 Member
    Can I ask you a question regarding your last post? Why raise calories to 1400 to 1450? Wouldn't that make you gain weight?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Can I ask you a question regarding your last post? Why raise calories to 1400 to 1450? Wouldn't that make you gain weight?

    she's at a 600 calorie per day deficit, raising her calories to 1400 to 1450 shrinks the deficit to 350 to 400 calories per day, so no, you wouldn't gain weight, you just are managing realistic expectations. I.E. someone with only a few lbs to lose cannot expect to lose a pound a week, their body just won't allow for it.
  • JOY621
    JOY621 Posts: 71 Member
    Can I ask you a question regarding your last post? Why raise calories to 1400 to 1450? Wouldn't that make you gain weight?

    she's at a 600 calorie per day deficit, raising her calories to 1400 to 1450 shrinks the deficit to 350 to 400 calories per day, so no, you wouldn't gain weight, you just are managing realistic expectations. I.E. someone with only a few lbs to lose cannot expect to lose a pound a week, their body just won't allow for it.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Another thought and maybe you have tried this is to mix up your exercise at the gym. For awhile i was doing the elliptical every day but then my body got used to it. What I try to do now is elliptical 2 days, bike 2 days, run outside (if possible) or treadmill 2 days, walk 1. That way I am using all different muscles. I believe I am right that when your body gets used to the exercise you loose less calories.
  • Thank you everyone for your help! I'll try to mix up my activities a bit better and I'll check out the link later today!
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