Weight Watchers?



  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    I think I am completely opposite of everyone else here ... I am currently a paying member of WW and so I am using the new Points Plus Program .... based on my current weight, height, activity level WW has given me 65 points a day - YES THAT IS A TON OF FOOD and very easy to stay under BUT MFP has given me their calorie goal for me which averages to be about 34 - 40 points on WW - - - - so I dont know who to follow or what to do .... :sad:

    Tomorrow will mark week 8 since I started this weight loss journey and I guess I will just keeping forward in hopes of finding what works best - - - - - I have definitely been meeting all of my Healthy Checks on WW but I have been staying under my calories on MFP (not meeting WW points) so Im currently down 15lbs and will keep going as I am until I plateau I guess ......
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    I'm currently on WW, it's what gave me the kick in the rear to start losing weight when I was feeling overwhelmed. It's easy to figure out and it pushes you in the right direction as far as eating healthier. I joined a 12-week "WW at work" program and may not continue going to meetings when it's up, I haven't decided.
  • jennaofthejungle
    jennaofthejungle Posts: 11 Member
    I've used it twice successfully but honestly this seems simpler and you can't beat free. I felt like I was paying WW for something I should have been able to figure out myself. I did learn from their program though and am applying what I've learned again... I'm just not paying each month to do it. I should also say I only ever did their on-line program. I'm not a group person, going to meeting does not interest me.
  • TheMisses22
    TheMisses22 Posts: 16 Member
    I had lost 30 lbs after I had my first child using the old WW and so when I rejoined after having 2nd child and used the points plus version I followed everything strictly and didn't lose any weight. I continued the program for 2 months with a total 3 lb loss and decided to switch to MFP. In the 2 1/2 months I have used MFP I have lost 15lbs.

    WW is good for teaching you how to make smarter food choices and make sure you get a minimum # of fruit and veggie servings per day. But... it is sooooo annoying to constantly have to calculate points for everything. Using MFP is so much easier since I can go anywhere and only have to remember the calories I consumed rather than fiber, carbs, protein etc.

    If you are already a somewhat healthy eater than I think MFP is all you really need.
  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    Did WW successfully over 15 years ago, but never got to goal weight, and then it all just went back on again - partly the motivation to lose (for DS3's wedding, and for varicose vein ops) went - but got fed up with the sameness of it all.

    With MFP I feel I can eat whatever I like, as long as I stay under goal! The food and exercise data base takes out most of the chore of looking it all up, and the message boards and groups are a great support with ideas for recipes, and encouragement. And best of all, it is totally free! If you want ideas about food, you can see from those who have open diaries some good ideas - though there can equally be some inappropriate eating going on .... but it is up to you what you want to have, and if you choose to eat lots of yummy chocolate, then you need to go out and do some exercise to earn it!

    And that for me has been a difference, being able to put 'bonus' calories in my 'purse' to enable me to eat choc, or drink wine. WW encouraged exercise when I was doing it, but it did not equate that to extra 'goodies'. So now if it looks as if I am NOT going to be under, I get off my butt and go out into the garden, or for a walk or to the gym, instead of sitting 'couch potato-ing'.

    so good luck, and do what suits you best, but do explore this site!
  • jjkarnitz
    I have done it a few times and invariably when I stopped attending meetings I quit losing and ended up quitting. It's getting more expensive too. But they do teach you about what to eat- if you Google "weight watchers good health guidelines" it gives you a basic structure. Hope this helps.
  • AnnaMC1977
    WW old program worked for me..the new program didn't help me lose weight. I'd stick with MFP and find a few 'pals' to help me out..
  • tmauldin80
    I didn't think about that! I am so lost when it comes to eating healthy and fitness pal realy doesn't have a lot of help in that regards. Thanks for the tips!
  • tmauldin80
    Wow! Thanks to all who replied! I did WW myself on the old points program like most of you. I can't figure out why they changed it when the old one worked fine! Anyway...I'm not joining I was just curious. Again thanks!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    I didn't think about that! I am so lost when it comes to eating healthy and fitness pal realy doesn't have a lot of help in that regards. Thanks for the tips!

    You only have 10 lbs to lose, so do you have your account set up for 1/2 lb per week? Are you exercising? If so, do you eat back some of those calories. Are you even picking a good weight for yourself.. meaning, do you know your body fat in order to derive a healthy goal? There are many sources of great information on here and plenty of knowledgeable people, such as myself, that can tell you about how many calories you require and a bunch of different workout programs that can help you hit your goal.

  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I have used WW many times in my life, and my mother many times before me. I don't really agree with their plan or what they consider "healthy". When I lived in a location that I could attend meetings, I always had meeting leaders that promoted unhealthy eating (fill up on rice cakes but don't have any fat!!!) I was on WW online for the last year paying $22 per month just to be able to log my food and use their food database. Their point system is useless in my opinion, especially for someone who cannot eat a Standard American Diet to be healthy and lose weight.

    When I first found MFP, I didn't take the time to explore it fully and saw that their macro guidelines wouldn't work for me. However, when I returned a few months later, I played around and discovered that I could change my goals to what works for me, then I was in love. No more $22 per month and no more stupid "Points" and food advice that doesn't fit for me.

    This is my opinion ONLY: since WW gives poor nutritional advice (for many of us) and sells unhealthy food products, and it was their low fat/high carb that created my metabolism problems in my early 20s, I am SO HAPPY to not be giving them any more of my money. Sure, WW can work as well as any diet for some people out there, but I find it much more useful to know my macronutrients. By eating enough fat and protein is how I can avoid cravings, binging, and feel satisfied.