Binge Eating Disorder

I think I may have this disorder. It's more prevelant now that I'm trying to lose weight. I'm sure I've had it for many, many years. Has anyone had any success dealing with this other than professional help? I can't afford that right now, $40 copay to see specialists. :frown:


  • lillauraseymour
    lillauraseymour Posts: 63 Member
    Hi Mary,

    You could be right. Have you googled the symptoms are they in line with Binge eating symptoms? Are you Australian? If so, you should go to your local GP they will refer you to councelling and the first 6 sessions are usually free. If not, google websites/help lines and give them a call! Good Luck!
  • Shashaaa123
    For me I have had Binge eating symptoms my whole life. Even as a small child , I would eat the whole bag of goodies!
    So much so I would be sick , Today I am not act out on my bingers,,,, I am also a emotional eater!!
    This will get better and better , I will Keep On Keepin On!!! Possitive thoughts you way!! :heart: