share your tip(S)

I figured it would be kinda cool and helpful if everyone shared one/more tip or quirk that helps them stay on track with their goal(s), weight loss or fitness. It can be something like what helps you maintain your calories, an exercise you like, etc.

I will start: to make sure I get my daily water intake, I keep a cute cup or glass on my desk that I like( right now I interchang between my christmas themed cup, or my Crimson tide cup) to drink out of, and nothing goes in it except water( which I refill everytime I eat brkst, snack or lunch)

What's your tip???


  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Not sure if this even helps or not, but I go against what my grams always taught me. She always said, "sit still", Well, I move and fidget all day long. I am never still, no matter if I am sitting at my desk, at the copy machine, in line at the store, ALWAYS moving something, if it only burns 10 calories, hey, that's 10 calories gone!:drinker:
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    I figured it would be kinda cool and helpful if everyone shared one/more tip or quirk that helps them stay on track with their goal(s), weight loss or fitness. It can be something like what helps you maintain your calories, an exercise you like, etc.

    I will start: to make sure I get my daily water intake, I keep a cute cup or glass on my desk that I like( right now I interchang between my christmas themed cup, or my Crimson tide cup) to drink out of, and nothing goes in it except water( which I refill everytime I eat brkst, snack or lunch)

    What's your tip???

    Get a couple of your "fat" pictures (everyone has at least one) and put it in an area that you frequent. I have one on the visor in my car. Whenever I'm not feeling motivated to workout or really want that candy bar or bag of chips I look at that picture and remember how miserable I felt then.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    I have a lot! lol Here they are!

    • DO NOT exceed 1,200 calories a day
    • NO fast food
    • NO fried/deep fried foods
    • NO sweets (only non-fat, sugar free, & low-carb)
    • NO sugar & carb-filled drinks (ONLY diet drinks & water)
    • ONLY low/non-fat, low carb, low-sodium, low/non-sugar items
    • ONLY fat free dairy products are to be consumed
    • Meat portion, per meal, should be size of a deck of cards (4-6oz)
    • ONLY lean proteins (chicken, turkey, fish, lean red meat, etc.)
    • Carb portion, per meal, should be size of half a tennis ball, or up to 1 CUP (corrected from "1/2 cup"*)
    • ONLY whole wheat/whole grain bread products
    • ONLY one carb a day (for example: 2 slices of bread a day OR 1 cup of pasta/rice a day)
    • No carbs after 5pm
    • UNLIMITED vegetables, (excluding starchy ones like potatoes)
    • eat vegetables filled with fiber (leafy green veggies, etc.)
    • eat fruits in moderation
    • limit fats and oils when cooking ( up to 2tbsp E.V.O.O.)
    • DO NOT eat after 7:30pm

    • drink a full glass of water before every meal
    • use smaller dishes when eating
    • stock fridge/pantry w/ fat free snacks & condiments
    • eat salad or soup before main meal
    • eat slowly, as it will trigger the CCK brain chemical
    • drink caffeine to curb hunger (without additives, only f.f. milk)
    • chew sugar-free gum to curb hunger
    • sugar-free sweets do wonders for your sweet tooth!
    • limit alcohol intake as it has contains a lot of calories
    • limit eating out at restaurants (it simply makes it harder)
    • attempt to exercise at least 3x a week for 30min/work out

    *A Collection of Created & Contributed Straight-Forward Tips*

    In The Kitchen

    ~ Use chicken broth (fat free & low-sodium is best) instead of oil to sauté meat and veggies.

    ~ Next time you make meatballs, meatloaf, or burgers, use ground turkey.

    ~Use fat free cooking spray to coat cooking pans/surfaces

    ~ Avoid anything breaded/fried. Flour and bread crumbs not only add calories but also absorb more cooking oil.

    ~ A healthy alternative to normal breading is using crushed Corn Flakes. Crush them into a bread crumb-like consistency, and wet meat with egg white. Coat with corn flakes & bake, saute, or non-stick grill (george foreman).

    ~ Use small dishes (6 inches diameter) & utensils (teaspoons & small forks) to avoid over eating.

    ~ For main meals, 1/4 of your plate should be lean protein & the rest should be plant foods high in fiber & iron.

    ~ When making packaged rice or stuffings that call for butter/oil, use fat free low sodium broth.

    ~ Baking cakes/cookies, then substitute oil/butter with unsweetened applesauce.

    ~ Fat free/reduced fat cheeses make the world a better place.

    Eating Out

    ~ Stick to lean grilled meats & steamed vegetables for your main course.

    ~ Ask for low fat/fat free dressing for your salad, or use vinegar. Have only vegetables or lean meat on your salad, no other additives unless they are fat free/low fat

    ~ Ask for a to-go box when they bring your meal.

    Distract Yourself

    ~ Work out with a partner

    ~ Surf the net.

    ~ Watch a movie.

    ~ Talk on the phone.

    ~ Chew peppermint gum.

    ~ Drink something.

    ~ Wait 20mins. after a craving arrives.

    ~ Look through progress photos/stories.

    ~ Rock out & Dance to your favorite music.

    ~ Plan ahead activities/errands for your day.

    ~ Join a fitness group or class.

    Boost That Metabolism

    ~ Have a healthy breakfast.

    ~ Have your Java black, or add one tblsp. fat free milk.

    ~ Drink icy cold water & lots of it.

    ~ Take a B12 vitamin & a fish-oil supplement.

    ~ Pump the Iron: Broccoli, bok choy, spinach, etc.

    ~ Keep it Spicy, add heat to your foods.

    ~ Eat Nemo...well, his friends, salmon, tuna, & sardines. They are packed with omega-3 fatty acids.

    ~ Eat slowly, savor the flavor!

    ~ Go to bed early, you'll eat less & your body will be able to regulate energy use & appetite for the following day.

    Keep Exercise Interesting

    ~ Fat Burners: (Circuit-12 reps 3x) push ups, crunches on ball, planks, squats w/ weights, walking lunges, & planks with arm raised.

    ~ Mix cardio in between reps (jump roping, jumping jacks, leap squats)

    ~ Do activities that don't feel like "exercise". Dancing, playing sports, hiking, gardening, yard work, heavy cleaning, swimming, etc.

    Stay Motivated

    ~ Place a "before" or undesirable picture of yourself on your fridge.

    ~ Keep a weight loss chart with specific goals.

    ~ Keep motivational quotes handy.

    ~ Surround yourself with supportive friends & family.

    Here is a sample grocery list containing foods that make my diet much easier! ("f.f." is short for "Fat Free")

    1. Meats-

    * lean red meat
    * boneless skinless chicken breast cutlets
    * salmon
    * shrimp
    * 98% f.f. turkey meat (for sandwiches)
    * tofu
    * imitation f.f. crab
    * mussels
    * clams
    * scallops

    2. Veggies-

    * asparagus
    * tomatoes
    * broccoli
    * bok choy
    * baby bella mushrooms
    * Chinese cabbage
    * scallions
    * romaine lettuce
    * baby spinach
    * radicchio
    * arugula
    * bean sprouts
    * garbanzo beans
    * snow peas
    * bamboo shoots
    * water chestnuts
    * cucumbers
    * celery
    * basil
    * garlic
    * fennel
    * zucchini
    * yellow squash
    * green & red bell pepper
    * peas
    * green beans
    * carrots
    * Italian parsley
    * rapini
    * mustard greens

    3. Fruits-

    * apples
    * oranges
    * kiwi
    * strawberries
    * blueberries
    * grapes
    * bananas
    * lemon
    * lime
    * honeydew melon
    * watermelon
    * pomegranate
    * grapefruit
    * pineapple
    * pears
    * raspberries
    * apricots

    4. Cheeses-

    * f.f. mozzarella
    * f.f. american
    * f.f. swiss
    * f.f. pepperjack
    * f.f. ricotta
    * f.f./reduced fat feta
    * f.f./reduced fat parmesan cheese
    * f.f. cream cheese
    * f.f. sour cream

    5. Breads-

    * sarah lee 45 & delightful wheat bread
    * nature's own light wheat bread
    * whole wheat pitas
    * wheat tortillas
    * wheat bread crumbs
    * brown rice
    * rice paper
    * whole wheat pasta
    * wheat bagels
    *Quaker low-sugar instant oatmeal packs
    *Whole Wheat English Muffins

    6. Condiments-

    * Kraft f.f. mayo
    * f.f. mustard
    * low sodium ketchup
    * sea salt/ no sodium salt
    * black pepper
    * paprika
    * McCormick Montreal steak seasoning
    * f.f. salad dressing
    * f.f. butter (I Can't Believe it's not Butter)
    * Worcestershire
    * Extra virgin olive oil
    * f.f. oil cooking spray
    * f.f. strawberry preserves

    7. Snacks-

    * f.f. pudding
    * f.f. jello
    * f.f. yogurt (FAGE)
    * f.f. popcorn
    * f.f. fruit bars
    * f.f. fudgsicles
    * baby dill pickles

    8. Drinks-

    * Light Minute Maid lemonade
    * Diet V8 Splash Berry Blend
    * Diet Pepsi Max ( Zero everything)
    * Cafe Bustelo instant espresso
    * f.f. energy drinks
    * green tea
  • metalpalace
    Stretch your tightest areas after a bath or a shower habitually. The body is already warm. PERFECT time to stretch out and workout tight muscles and without having to warm up first. For me that would be the posterior aspect of my legs.
  • passionhi
    WOW!!!! @bella.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    I know! But trust me, it works!
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    When I started I took a bunch of my fitness magazines and cut out pictures that inspired me. I made a collage and hung it up right where i would see it every morning! It put me in the right mindset at the very beginning of the day and helped keep me on track. I found that when I started off well, I was more likely to finish well with little to no calorie "damage".
  • Ashia1317
    1) If I'm really craving dessert, I make it yogurt or a sugar-free Jello cup. Little calories, little sugar. And not full of guilt!

    2) Also, to have one day a week to check in/weigh myself. Anymore than that, I'll obsess or get side tracked if I'm not happy with the results.

    3) No eating after 7 pm on week nights, 8 pm on weekends.

    4) Always keep my work out bag in my car so I don't have excuse to miss the gym because I forgot my clothes/sneakers. If I go home, I'll get side tracked or hit the couch and make excuses.
  • smelmel
    smelmel Posts: 98 Member
    I eat every 3 hours and exercise for 30 minutes everyday. I have a bit of chocolate 2 times a day and for me I don't have a timeline, this is how I am going to eat always, I am never hungary and enjoy my food.
  • kstrychowski
    "nothing tastes as good as feeling skinny"
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    If you find you just really don't want to work out, promise yourself you'll do at least 20 minutes. Chances are you'll continue until you finish if you do that much.

    I also remind myself that the first 10-15 minutes are the slowest ones, and once you're past them time starts to fly by. So the sooner you start, the sooner it's over!

    -works for me anyway.. :happy:
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    Definitely what Blondie said... just move even if you tell yourself you are only going to commit to 20 min that day.

    My main tip: Never, never, NEVER give up.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Could you show your food diary, I would love to get a peek.
  • lkharris
    Lots of water, avoid heavy carbs, and what Blondie said about the exercise - once you're actuall there it's harder to not do something! And SOMETHING for exercise is better than nothing. But you've also got to live a little - just use the old adage of if you cheat once, doesn't have to blow the whole day/week!
  • BamaRose0107
    These are things that I have learned during my journey:
    1Don't over think things and don't get obsessed with the way you look.
    2 Realize that appearance is a small part of it, health is the main goal.
    3Don't compare yourself to others.
    4Be sure to work on mental health so that you can figure out why food has become a comfort.
    5There are no quick fixes so just suck it up and put in the work.
    6 Everyone is different and their bodies need different things so what works for one person may not work for you.
    7 And don't give up!
  • jrobertson37
    jrobertson37 Posts: 90 Member
    1. Drink water all day long
    2. Drink green tea with atleast one meal - this boost your metab
    3. chew sugar free gum
    4. EVERY THING w/the exception of meat that goes in my mouth contains fiber
    5. Always take the stairs even if its just one flight - this adds up to lots of calories burned (i run up/down all the time)
    6. Sugar free jello/pudding can be your best friend
    7. Allow yourself a cheat meal atleast once a week, so that you will see what your not missing!!!
    8. Rewards are not the enemy!!! As long as you reward yourself in moderation

    I promise you guys im not doing this again, its too hard. Especially the older i get. Im 43 and have lost 45 pounds! 5 more to go and on to the lifestyle change and the REALLY HARD PART:mad: MAINTAINING :sad:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I've been doing this for about 6 months now, and I have one that you guys have forgotten...don't give up the foods you love just because you think they are "bad" and don't beat yourself up if you indulge. This is a lifestyle change, and it means thinking differently about food. I don't eat terribly all the time like I used to, but if I want a cheeseburger, I have a cheeseburger, and I don't feel bad about it. I'm not going to gain anything from that cheeseburger. Just don't let this thinking get you into trouble :wink:

    Basically: a pound is 3,500 calories and if I have a cookie it's not going to ruin my whole day :)
  • BamaRose0107
    I've been doing this for about 6 months now, and I have one that you guys have forgotten...don't give up the foods you love just because you think they are "bad" and don't beat yourself up if you indulge. This is a lifestyle change, and it means thinking differently about food. I don't eat terribly all the time like I used to, but if I want a cheeseburger, I have a cheeseburger, and I don't feel bad about it. I'm not going to gain anything from that cheeseburger. Just don't let this thinking get you into trouble :wink:

    Basically: a pound is 3,500 calories and if I have a cookie it's not going to ruin my whole day :)

    Great point. No foods are evil as long as you don't over endulge! Example: I wanted pizza from pizza hut last night so thats what we had but the last time I ate pizza hut was over a month ago so I really don't think that will mess everything up.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    Everything in moderation....I tried every, no carb, no sugar,no food diet out there....I realized if you just learn portion control. You can eat EVERYTHING you ate before!!! and since there is no "depriving" there is no falling off the wagon!!!!

    Move lots...even if you dont have time for exercises

    No excuses......there are ALWAYS excuses for not working out. I would pack my shedule with meeting friends, going out ect of COURSE i didnt have time to work out. NO excuses.......if Im meeting my friends I now tell them. I have to work out, I'll meet you after. Put your health first!!!!!
  • thekauz
    Read "Good Calories, Bad calories", they should have it at your local library. i started at 293 am down to 235 and was never really hungry........