Educate me on Paleo Diet - I will listen

Keeping my mouth shut on this entire thread so upload your knowledge of the Paleo Diet to me and brag about how well it's working for you. Tell me what CAN be eaten and what CAN'T be eaten. I am opening my mind to this and I need as much information as you can possibly give me about this diet and how it works before I consider it.


  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member

    I read this website and aside from the massive meat intake (which I cannot afford to do), I already follow most of the Paleo diet requirements. So please, tell me all about it. What is there necessary to know to be Paleo?

    (Commenting to "bump" thread)
  • HeatherSanto
    HeatherSanto Posts: 138 Member
    I was just curious what this diet was myself so I'm reading that article you put up. The Lego guys are awesome! Makes it entertaining to read.
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    check out the group: primal/paleo support group
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    check out the group: primal/paleo support group

    Yes. Come on over!
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    I love the Nerd Fitness blog. Whether or not you eat Paleo, it's a great site!

    I agree. Post your question to the Paleo group on here and you'll get great answers. A post on the general boards always devolves into vegan vs paleo, or people saying it's a fad. It's annoying.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    It's a fad. Flavor of the month, etc.
  • vanessairene
    vanessairene Posts: 104 Member
    go over to the primal/paleo support group. That's where you'll find a lot of stuff and get lots of answers. (I'm on there, it's great)

    Check out Marks daily Apple blog about Primal Blueprint and primal eating

    For me personally, I feel significantly better eating this way and I'm regaining my body (not just losing weight) I stick to the 80/20 primal ration (meaning 20% is non primal foods, I use this for convenience foods and diary mainly.. but still fall under low carbohydrate and grain free.) When you eliminate that much grain, legumes, starches, most of your daily calories will end up coming from fats... more than you even realize until you break it down, so they need to be high quality fats.

    I will say, you gotta pony up for the protein. There's lots of ways to get inexpensive protein.. but if you can't you can't. You just won't be eating primal/paleo. Also, I do not eat all grass free and organic. I can't afford it either.... I still feel light years better and it seems to still be working.

    It's also about more than just eating, it's a way to treat your body. How much sunshine you should get, what type of exercise... please check out Primal Blueprint.
  • Bittersweet82
    I'm a believer! I have been living paleo for a month and there's such a huge difference in my energy levels. I don't have highs or lows anymore where I used to be all shakes from not eating. I do tend to eat 5 meals vs 3, but i'm losing weight. I've lost a lot of swelling in my legs. I have the desire to exercise. I stopped taking acid reflux medication that I've been on for at least 10 yrs and I don't see this as a fad or diet of the month, but as a lifestyle choice that is very easy to live with, eat out on and serve to family and friends without them really knowing that that's what they are eating. To each their own, but I'm 100% ecstatic about my results thus far.

  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    I've been paleo since december......and most of my weightloss has been on this diet.

    Basically, No grains, no legumes, no dairy, no processed sugar, no processed foods in general.
    Lots of veggies, fruit, seeds, nuts, and meat. YOu can also have natural sugars in moderation like honey and agave. If you are trying to lose weight instead of just improving overall wellbeing, you can limit your carbs by not eating much fruit or high carb vegetables like sweet potatoes. There is alot of info on the web about it, and lots of success stories.

    This is the video that turned me onto the diet.
    It's about a doctor who reversed her MS through eating Paleo. And she is one of many people that has done this.

    It's about teaching your body to run off of fat rather than sugar, and the stability in energy and wellbeing that results.

    The most important thing, I believe is strictly staying away from Gluten, it is sooo bad for you, and I really believe it is the main reason behind the obesity in this country. We aren't eating the same wheat our grandparents were, and it's literally hurting us. YOu can go to for more info.

    Many people just base their diet off of the Paleo lifestyle and modify for their needs, if you don't want to eat that much meat, then don't! Just substitute in whatever you like, whether it's more veggies, some nut butter, etc. Many vegetarians follow Paleo by adding back in the legumes.

    Please message me with more questions.