Recently getting major hangovers?

I used to be able to take my drink, but recently, two glasses of sparkling wine and a glass of normal wine with a meal and I get a raging headache when I go to bed! I will have at least a glass of water/sparkling water in between each glass of alcohol. I don't drink that often, never did, but recently this has gotten really bad.To the point I am avoiding even a glass at a birthday. I havent lost much weight in the past year (more toning etc), but the hangovers have gotten way worse.

Any ideas? Have I just become a lightweight? I dont tend to eat back exercise calories (maybe 100-300 if I do more than an 8 mile run), could that be it? Or am I lacking a vitamin or something?


  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    You're getting older. It happens.

  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    You may have a sensitivity to nitrates. They're in a lot of wines.

    You probably aren't eating enough if you don't eat your exercise calories. An 8 mile run is around 800 calories burned for a person of average weight (as you are according to your profile). That alone tells me you don't eat enough.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I have a brilliant idea, guaranteed to work. QUIT DRINKING.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    i get this. my theory is that my diet is so clean that my body rejects 'unhealthy' foods (i get very sick form anything fatty or fried and sugar HATES me). I also think that it may be caused by
    - dehydration
    - excersise
    - what you have eaten that day
    - how you metabolise and digest food
    - how much sleep you have had...

    thats my personal theory anyway!
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    forgot to say i no longer drink wine - champagne and vodka are ok but wine is shocking to me
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    :bigsmile: LIGHT WEIGHT!!:bigsmile:
  • macromouth
  • cdidaho
    cdidaho Posts: 8 Member
    I've notice that I get hangovers much more easily as I've gotten older. I've always been a lightweight, but drinking a beer never caused me to get cottonmouth and a headache the next morning until recently. What did help was switching up WHAT I was drinking. Patron Tequila is high quality stuff, and it doesn't cause hangovers or tear up my delicate stomach the way some other alcoholic beverages do. I recommend the XO CAFE Chocolate Tequila. It's tastes awesome, much like Kahlua. However, please be aware that increased sensitivity to alcohol can be a symptom of liver damage. (not always caused by drinking excessively either) If you have not had a check up with your doctor in some time, go see him, and have him run a liver panel.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    It means that your liver is not clearing out the toxins from the alcohol, and it is effecting your other body symptoms. It could also mean that you are developing an allergy to something in the alcohol.
  • Serafimangel
    Serafimangel Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks guys, your comments gave me food for thought (the lowest calorie food of all!).Eek, what an awful pun.
    I only have 3 glasses at most (or 2 beers), and never get drunk, it's like I skip the feeling drunk stage (as 2-3 glasses isnt enough to get me tipsy) to the hungover. I may just try to eat more and limit it to 1 glass, so if I am developing an allergy or just not handling some types of booze, it wont be as bad.
    I sound like a bit of an boozer here but seriously, these 2-3 glasses etc are only about once a month at family gatherings/birthdays, I am the most teetotal of all my friends (who are still in the need to get drunk to have fun mentality, which I never was).

    Tch, I feel old (at 22). I admit it tends to be red wine that sets me off the most, I shall try to lay off it, eat more on the days I'm drinking and at a push have a beer instead. I never thought of the possibility that it could be different types having different effects.