Job Possibly interfering with Exercise? Help?



  • victorious27
    victorious27 Posts: 250 Member
    Is this job a fairly recent thing? It might just take some time to get adjusted to the change. Have you been checked for mono, that could be causing your fatigue. My DD had it and couldn't even drag herself out of bed.

    I'm a full time worker and mom and won't be judgmental. It CAN be hard to find time and motivation to workout, especially when you're exhausted. Maybe just force yourself to do it a couple of times a week until it becomes habit.

    It's not, I have been there for just over a year, and that's why I fear a major lack of motivation. I wasn't as tired in the beginning, but it seems that I keep slowing down and becoming more fatigued.

    Before I started college this past summer...I would get up in the mornings and do a 2.4 mile walk outside. Getting up seemed to make me tired on my drive back home, so I opted to sleep in as late as I could and exercise when I got home. I worked out 3-5 days a week, usually five, for about an hour. However, I got thrown onto night shift about a month ago and switched back within a week and half. Because I didn't eat more than 800 calories (no matter what I ate.. it could've been the worst thing for me and I still couldn't reach 1000 cals without feeling sick to my stomach because I felt I couldn't eat anything without being "full" constantly) while I was on night shift and at the same physical job, I couldn't bring myself to exercise at home. When I switched back to working days, I stayed tired. I feel as if this may be a factor, but I also think that a month is long enough to get over it.

    By the way, any mother finding a way to lose weight and juggle everything else that may happen has major points in my book. My mom is a giant inspiration for me because of all the things she juggles, so I applaud you...and I thank you (and others) for not degrading me for sounding so frivolous compared to you and some other posters. :blushing:

    Edit: I forgot to mention that I am not sick in any way. I do have asthma, but that doesn't account for feeling tired unless my oxygen levels are low. I also do not have hypothyroidism or diabetes...I've been tested because of how hard it is for me to lose weight and even my doctors were concerned.