Gluten Free living!

Tell me about it!

About how it has affected your daily life and mood and what not!

I noticed right away after slowly making the switch the benefits of reducing belly bloat, I'm quite pleased!


  • Danied13
    Danied13 Posts: 117 Member
    going grain free is the ONLY thing that has gotten my belly to go down. almost over night! I'll never go back :-)
  • JoJo1year
    After I cut gluten out of my diet, I notice a huge increase in my mental clarity. I could remember things easier and think clearer.
  • HealthFreak1967
    HealthFreak1967 Posts: 116 Member
    better digestion, less "heavy", not bloated in my face/body, better overall mood
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Lost weight. :-)
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    How long have you all been gluten free?

    I've been gluten free for about two changes aren't super obvious, but I feel like I am sleeping better and I just, feel lighter!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    How long have you all been gluten free?

    I've been gluten free for about two changes aren't super obvious, but I feel like I am sleeping better and I just, feel lighter!

    are you fully gluten free or just not eating bread / pasta etc? Gluten is in a LOT of things you wouldn't expect, and eating out is a nightmare! I've just been diagnosed coeliac and have to go gf in the next few weeks, I don't get why people would go gf if its not medically necessary, its an absolute pain in the *kitten* :-(
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    gluten AND grain free since 1/1.
    Did experience good weigh loss that I wasn't able to accomplish otherwise. Other more important effects were clarity, energy, digestion improvements, milk and cheese allergy went away, shoulder pain (chronic) went away, acne stopped (was minor but now gone).
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    How long have you all been gluten free?

    I've been gluten free for about two changes aren't super obvious, but I feel like I am sleeping better and I just, feel lighter!

    are you fully gluten free or just not eating bread / pasta etc? Gluten is in a LOT of things you wouldn't expect, and eating out is a nightmare! I've just been diagnosed coeliac and have to go gf in the next few weeks, I don't get why people would go gf if its not medically necessary, its an absolute pain in the *kitten* :-(
    Almost fully gluten free. I am actually going to speak with my dr about it more extensively. I know it's a pain in the *kitten*, but I don't really miss it. I check all the labels on things that I will be eating. It's been somewhat of an easy transition for me (so far)
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    HI there-

    Per my doctor, I have to start going Gluten-free! I have no idea where to start!!!!! This is all so overwhelming! My biggest hope in all of this is that I start to feel better. Right now, everytime I eat gluten, I bloat up like I'm 9 months pregnant and have past my due date. I start to cramp and I'm just miserable.

    Any advice would be very much appreciated!
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    How long have you all been gluten free?

    I've been gluten free for about two changes aren't super obvious, but I feel like I am sleeping better and I just, feel lighter!

    are you fully gluten free or just not eating bread / pasta etc? Gluten is in a LOT of things you wouldn't expect, and eating out is a nightmare! I've just been diagnosed coeliac and have to go gf in the next few weeks, I don't get why people would go gf if its not medically necessary, its an absolute pain in the *kitten* :-(

    I imagine its a huge pain in the *kitten* if you are coeliac because you really can't slip or cheat, and have to really worry about every bite being contaminated. But, I'm not Celiac, and eliminated gluten by choice. At first, it was just because bread, rice, and pasta are trigger foods for me and I'm not good at moderating them. I figured I would try eliminating them just while i was trying to lose weight. Then I began reading and learning more about the effects of gluten and I realized that it was so much more than just reducing "the white stuff".

    I eat ""Primal" since July, and have loved it. No grains, beans, legumes, or processed foods. I generally don't buy any of the GF substitutes. It does take a bit more forethought to make sure I don't get stuck without a healthy option when I'm out and about. I do my best in restaurants. I try to order foods that are grain-free, and when I make the choice to "treat" i often pay for it the next day, although no where near as severely as a coeliac person.

    I've actually really enjoyed eating this way. I have made tons of great new recipes, eat plenty of rich and delicious foods, and love my paleo/primal MFP pals.

    It's a real struggle to be restricted from foods you love due to a disease. The silver lining may be that you find new delicious foods to replace the ones that are toxic to your system. Good luck.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Wendy, not sure where you are but if you are in England join coeliac uk, they send you loads of info on going gf and companies will send you sample packs to try the foods. If you're not in England I'd still check out their website, it's very helpful :-)

    Caribougal, luckily I don't get the symptoms most coeliacs do, but it's the whole 'you can NEVER have xxx food again' thing, same with 'diets' as soon as someone says you CANT have a certain food you want it even more!
    People who choose to be gf for non medical reasons could have a cake / pizza / bread whatever if they really wanted to with no ill effects. It even goes as far as having to have a seperate toaster / butter tub etc, cant eat potatoes (which are gf) if they have been cooked in oil with something like onion rings in case you get a crumb of gluten on your gf food!

    I guess it will be easier and healthier to stick to 'naturally' gf foods rather than the highly processed replacement stuff, eating out I think Indian / Mexican is mostly gf, anything else will take a little more planning, especially Italian food which is my favourite :-(
  • equinegirl200
    equinegirl200 Posts: 35 Member
    Well, i have celiac disease, so when I wa diagnosed 10 years ago and went gluten free it stopped the year-long daily vomiting and diarrhea :)

    Let me know if you have questions, I'm a bit of an expert at this point!

    Also, you guys are lucky you are starting it now... WAY WAY WAY more options now then there were years ago!
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    we went gluten free as a family for 6 months (which is how long it takes for gluten to fully leave your system) and I have to say it didn't make the slightest bit of difference to any of us:sad:

    Well, it made eldest son much more grumpy as I took away his much beloved pasta (he's autistic), but didn't make any difference to his behaviours, husband's skin (severe psoriasis) or mood (depression), daughters gastro issues or my weight. I was absolutely delighted to slam tons of gluten right back into our daily diet the moment the 6 months were up, and have no intention of making life so difficult again in the future without some DAMN good evidence first:wink:

    Going fully gluten free is hard - Did you know there is even gluten in the glue they use on envelopes:noway:
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    My husband and I have been grain free since July. We are losing weight quite nicely but the additional benefits have been that our joint pain is gone. I used to have to take prescription pain killers several times a week. I think since July I have only taken them once when I overdid the exercise. The knee that has a metal plate in it no longer swells up (which is partly the weight loss and partly no grains). My face has cleared up, I used to be plagued with adult acne. We have more energy and our moods have improved.

    So for us, no more grains (and almost no sweeteners) for life.