women of MFP



  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    I don't weight myself daily but I know the week before I begin to bloat up andi takes a week to go :( I am usually really hungry the couple of days before , but like a pp now that if I avoid carbs like the plague I can get through it. I have endometriosis and suffered from debilitating cramps until I gave up wheat and most grains..and now..no cramps :)
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 632 Member
    I'm in the middle of my TOM and I lost 2 kgs from last week. A deficit is a deficit and the only change I make to my routine during TOM is that I make an effort to eat more iron by consuming a bit of red meat. I don't get much cravings and still wouldn't go over my daily calories. I don't really get cramps and am happy to continue exercising. I'm aware that I'm different to many women in these respects so YMMV.
  • sheripoynter
    i put on 3-5lbs during girly time! its only the first day that i'm really bloated and blehhh so me and my boyfriend usually order in a dominos and i have a massive cheat day - large pizza, combo, garlic bread, ice cream... more to thank him for putting up with me being a moody monster :D
    i do generally keep up my exercise, i have a 5 day cycle and tend to go the gym twice during that, makes me feel better :)
  • SouthernSkylark
    SouthernSkylark Posts: 128 Member
    I have found one of the biggest benefits of my healthy eating and exercise journey has been that 99% of my pms symptoms have disappeared!! Every month I would get at least a week before my AF of pain, severe bloating, headaches and general evilness(!!).
    As from this last period I have no symptoms except stomach pain an hour or so before I started....

    I do feel a bit more bloated and do have some cravings but each month as i get fitter and healthier these become less and makes no difference to my exercise.
  • stagegoddess
    stagegoddess Posts: 101 Member
    My weight goes up about 3 pounds or so and I feel hungrier. Since I'm hungrier I just eat more. Simple as that. Weight goes back to normal after it is over.

    this. i usually loose a few pounds quickly during ovulation then gain 1-4 pounds back on right before my TOM then it goes back down.

    track everything anyway
  • chrlslove7
    chrlslove7 Posts: 136 Member
    This is all very interesting. I thought I was the only heifer that overate during that TOM! Those "vicious cycles" get me in trouble too...first chocolate...then salty...then carbs...then sweets again. Also, it's motivating to hear that we could gain during periods, that explains a lot.
  • tinydancer4
    tinydancer4 Posts: 114 Member
    I usually gain a pound or so, which disappears (usually with a bit extra) the next week.

    I don't seem to get any particular cravings on TOM so my diet stays the same, but I don't exercise as much. I usually get at least one or two migraines during the week, and I always skip workouts when I have a migraine.
  • fat2fit33
    I wasn't sure either but yes you can. on the days you feel tired just relax and when you feel up to it then do some exercises or go for a walk.
  • moogyface
    My cycle only lasts 3 days now, the first and last day are the worst lol Thank you everyone for all of your insight about this, it really helps. I hope I can keep up through it, I usually want nothing to do with any physical activity when it comes time but if it isn't too bad on my body I will try.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I used to gain 2-3 pounds of water weight during TOM and I'd dread it every time. For some reason this month I didn't gain an ounce. I don't think I did anything different. I'm on BC and have been for awhile now. But the main point is you will go back to normal when it's over.