Diet...what is right, and why should I believe you?



  • k4evans1
    k4evans1 Posts: 145 Member
    Do what works for you and try to not worry about everything that is in the news. I am just as annoyed as you seem about all this research about dieting. One day eggs are good and the next they're bad. Try to eat clean and find what works for your body!
  • soniams
    soniams Posts: 95 Member
    For me it's about a lifestyle I can sustain, not a diet that I may or may not be able to live with long term. I ignore all of the fads and hype that is out there as they typically originate from someone somewhere trying to make a buck.

    This is exactly what has worked for me.
  • jennifermaffei17
    Your best diet is going to be eating clean and drinking lots of water. It's what I do and I have lost 4lbs in the last 2 weeks.
    I eat mostly fruits and veggies, lean meats, and allow myself a dessert every night, within my calorie goal, so I don't do "cheat" days.

    I work out about 30minutes a day and eat back 95% of my exercise calories. Its been working for me, its a lifestyle I can sustain unlike other diets, and I am full after every meal.

    Do it right and you will be happy, healthy, AND losing weight!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Well, this thread didn't really clear it all up, did it! :laugh:

    but all those replies before me are right. its mostly the basics that are important, especially starting out. watch calories, be more active, make better food choices. those are the definites.

    The rest as others said, really will be about listening to your body. just today my Dr warned me about not eating breakfast early, and about starvation mode. but, if I eat early? my cravings during the day are more difficult to handle unless I have an active day. Waiting till I am actually hungry to start eating for the day works for me, and I will keep doing that... until I find that doesn't work for me. I love a late night snack, so yeah, I'm gonna eat past 8pm, 10pm, midnight if I want, as long as it fits into my goals.

    It's trial and error, and its a learning process. Listen to your body, and you will figure out what you need.

    why should you believe me? 37 lbs lost since June, as of this morning!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    You have to do whats right for you. I never ate breakfast before. Just never felt hungry in the mornings but by noon I was famished and would eat everything in my way. I used to eat late at night with my husband. He's one of those guys who eats non stop and never gains an oz. When I quit eating late at night for me this meant nothing after dinner which was usually 6 or 7pm. Then I would feel hungry not long after I woke up. I eat more often now but not a lot with each meal. I eat more fresh fruits and veggies than I ever did which helps fill me up and always have a protein with it of at least 3 oz's. Now that my MS is in remission I can get around better. It took me a long time to build up my stamina but every single walk I take I go a few blocks farther. A couple years ago I could barely make it to my car. Now I can last up to 3 hours when I go shopping with the kids. WITHOUT having to sit down! That for me is a big deal! I got my balance back thanks to doing yoga and I bought myself a bike about 2 weeks ago. I"m up to riding 2 miles per day now every day. My WL is steady at 1 to 2 pounds per week. Some very rare weeks I'll lose 3 lbs.

    So do what works for you. This is just how my healthy eating and exercising has been working for me.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I know huh. People try and act like weight loss is so complicated and if you'll send them 99.99 they'll hook you up with the magic, secret, nobody but them knows it answer. And then there's the fact that every assclown with a keyboard has an opinion and think theirs is the only one. Fun isn't it?

    So here's my asshat opinion. Losing weight is as simple as burning more calories than you consume. That's all there is to it. What you eat is personal preference. When you eat, also personal preference. How, when and for how long you exercise, again, personal preference. You can lose weight eating nothing but whoppers and fries. You won't be healthy, but you'll lose weight.

    If it is anything that starts with "the" and ends with "diet" then chances are pretty good it's useless. If you see it on tv and they want money for it, it's a scam. If it comes in a bottle or a box, avoid it. Eat less and move more and you will lose weight. All the rest is just noise, smoke and mirrors and opinions.