Need help with beginner exercises

I haven't worked out in a long time and I am finally ready to get started to day I pray! Today will make 5 days since I joined, the issue is I notice I am kind of lazy and everyday I am suppose to start and I never do, does anyone have any recommendations on some beginner exercises that are still effective? That won't tire me too easily? That I can do with a 12mo old baby? I know I can walk with her around the building but also some things inside as it is beginning to get somewhat chilly and windy here in Canada. I really want to see the inches leave so I am finally mentally prepared to start the exercise! I live in a high rise of 17 floors so I think today I will try to walk up as many as possible. I don't think it matters but if it helps with the exercise ideas I am 25, female, 5'7, 360ish lbs. Thanks in advance!!! :)


  • LayneMorris
    At 360 lbs any additional activity will help, I have known people that have lost weight playing the wii. Exercise and diet are the only way to lose weight, and frankly diet is the biggest part because it is deceptivly hard to burn lots of calories doing exercise. You might start just going on walks, or if you get really ambitious going for runs. Doing resistance training to build muscle will help, because muscle burns more calories than fat. I would be happy to give you more pointers and advice, just message me.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Every bit of movement counts, and helps!

    Walking up the stairs is a great idea. Maybe start today by doing as many floors as you can, then setting new goals to add floors over a series of weeks.

    I'd also add in push-ups, squats, dips and plank moves since you can do all of them at home and without buying any equipment. Jumping jacks are great too. Maybe rotate between reps of a strength exercise, then jumping jacks, a different strength exercise, more jumping jacks, and so on. Just be sure to stretch well and drink lots of water. You're sure to be store if you're just starting out.

    If none of this works for you, try to find something you enjoy that incorporates movement.

    Have fun and good luck!
  • jnoire
    I love the walk at home series with Leslie Sansone. The 5 day slimdown is a great DVD. I also recommend hooping (yes Hula Hooping) I lost 20 lbs and many inches off my body by just hooping 30 mins a day. I recommend Hoopnotica's Beginner Level 1 DVD and one of their Full Size Adult Hoops. I do not recommend the travel hoop. You can also use a hoop from Troo Hoops. Make sure the hoop is between 1.5 to 2.5 lbs. Any heavier and you will bruise yourself and any lighter it will fall down. Hope this helps.