Girls night in - nibbles!


A friend is coming over this evening for gossip and booze lol - normally this would mean gallons of red wine, chips and salty snacks but nuh huh, not tonight. Remembering that this is NOT a diet, it's a lifestyle change, I want a way of retaining the elements but cutting the calories

I'll be swapping the red wine for vodka and diet tonic but need some ideas for nibbles - I thought carrot sticks and hummus would be nice

Anyone got any other ideas?


  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, strips of paprika and cucumber. Make dips from farmers cheese and/or yoghurt with herbs and garlic. The same base is also very good with curry powder and some cumin and coriander. Salsa when homemade is also very diet friendly. Popcorn is also a good idea if you keep it plain.

    Hope this helps!
  • drain a can of chick peas.....put them on a baking tray, spray with fry light and sprinkle with salt and cook in oven until crispy.....also very thinly sliced potato, sprayed with fry light and baked...they turn into 'crisps'....I sprikle with sea salt and vinegar...all free on extra easy....I lost 3 and a half stone since February following slimming world extra easy and I'm now at target, wanting to lose a little more on my own...enjoy girls night