Need help (not loosing)

Hey guys, just need some help to work out what i need to be doing....

(Me) Male, 5ft 10", 246lbs, 26years, sedentary = 2888cals

Currently using mfp and struggling to eat the amount required on days i take dog for a walk for 2 to 3 hours up a winding mountain path. So my question is:

Is the 1630 cals needed per day really appropriate then adding exercise on the days i do it or can i average it over the week?

I have worked out my maintenance calorie allowance is 2888cals per day or 20,216 per week.

I also do strength training 3 days a week 1 hour each day, which totals 1151 cals per week. Along with walking the dog for say an average of 450mins per week equals another 3653 cals burned in total per week.

My target is 2lbs per week = 7000 cals, in total i burn roughly 4804 cals per week in exercise alone. Which leaves 2196 weekly cals for deficite to hit my target.

2196/7 = 314cals per day.

2888 - 314 = 2574cals

2574cals to eat per day. In order to achieve my goal of -2lbs per week. And not the 1600 mfp gives + exercise for that day.

Currently 2574 calls is not far off what mfp gives on 1600 + 1000 cals exercise day. :o.

I currently aint getting my goal weight loss from mfp. Is what i've worked out correct? Can I restrict cals further? (or would this result in starvation mode?)

Please Help!!!

p.s. pic is from 2 years ago when i lost 5 stone, now i got to do it again lol.


  • topgun86
    bump, for a reply...
  • Micklord
    How long have you been at the current intake?

    When I calculate your BMR with the simplistic calculator on mfp, I get more like 2100 cals for a guy like you. I think that is the fundamental error in your calculation.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Go to:

    Goals-->Change Goals--> Custom

    Based on your stats I would recommend the following as a general starting point for kcal/macro intake. This assumes you are not eating back exercise calories and you are consuming a steady intake (same kcals daily on both rest/workout days). This assumes you are measuring food and counting accurately (NOTE: This is a big assumption on my part and absolutely changes things if you are NOT doing this correctly). You could go slightly lower than this if you wanted to but I wouldn't push below about ~2100ish.

    2250 kcals

    That's just my suggestion.

    Leisure reading:
  • topgun86
    How long have you been at the current intake?

    I have been using mfp for 2 weeks
    When I calculate your BMR with the simplistic calculator on mfp, I get more like 2100 cals for a guy like you. I think that is the fundamental error in your calculation.

    Yes i understand that but i don't lie in bed all day, and have an desk job, which puts me at sedentary isn't it and doesn't adding something like that up the cals required? So 2100 x 1.2 = 2520 (my 2888 is incorrect!) Or is this wrong?

    2520 x 7 = 17,640 cals weekly

    17,640 - 4,804 = 12,836 cals left after exercise

    7000 - 4,804 = 2196 cals deficit needed from food to get 2lbs weekly loss.

    So 2520 - 314 = 2206 cals per day, would be needed along with my exercise to create a 7000cal deficit.

    Please let me know if i got this formula correct? I know it will require adjusting but that's what excel is for :D
    Based on your stats I would recommend the following as a general starting point for kcal/macro intake. This assumes you are not eating back exercise calories and you are consuming a steady intake (same kcals daily on both rest/workout days).

    You got it exercise = my deficit
    This assumes you are measuring food and counting accurately (NOTE: This is a big assumption on my part and absolutely changes things if you are NOT doing this correctly). You could go slightly lower than this if you wanted to but I wouldn't push below about ~2100ish.

    I believe i got this correct using scales/measuring jug + app for everything.

    And it seems I'm now getting about the same as you with your advise 2250 cals.

    So I have just bumped mfp activity to very active to get my required cals, maybe mfp need to adjust their activity descriptions, I have a desk job but seems I'm still very active.
  • topgun86
    Side Steel - how you work out the protein/carbs/fat from my calories? so I can work it out in future? thanks.

    Never mind lol