
I seem to have no energy! I have a 10 month old and a deployed husband, by the time I am done feeding, washing, cleaning, paying bills, shopping and playing with the little one I feel like I have no energy left to work out! Even after 2 big cups of coffee I would like to just go to sleep. Does anyone know of any foods that can help boost those levels? I am consuming about 1500 calories a day because I nurse my daughter. I have the motovation I just feel like I am laging when it comes to getting the work out done which happens at nap time and bed time of my little one!


  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Do you have low iron? You could get a physical and get some blood work. This is a major problem for me. What you can do in the meantime is get a multi-vitamin, get enough sleep. Also eat 3 meals with snacks in between, to make sure your blood sugar is stable.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    It's possible that the lack of energy is more mental than physical. Stress can really zap your energy. The good news is that the cure is to exercise. When I've had a really busy, stressful day at work I walk into the gym with no energy. I have to force myself to go. By the end of my work out I feel great. The workout just releases every bit of that stress and leaves me feeling great. At that point I may be physically tired but it's a good tired.
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    I can somewhat relate! I have three kids, 6, 2, and 11 months, and my 2 year old is disabled. My husband is a truck driver so he is gone most of the time, which leaves me to take care of pretty much everything all the time. I have had absolutely NO energy to exercise, just the thought of it made me tired. But I finally decided I was just going to do it anyway. I started the 30-day shred 10 days ago (before I was just talking 15 minute walks on my break at work), and my energy level has tripled (at the least) since I started. And it's just a 20 minute workout, so it doesn't take up very much of my valuable time! When I first started, I had serious doubts about being able to stick with it, but now I can't imagine not getting in that daily just makes me feel good!! Find something that you enjoy, even if it's just a 20 minute DVD workout, and try to stick with it for at least a week. I'm sure you'll notice a huge difference in your energy level like I did, then working out won't seem so dreadful! :flowerforyou:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Check out this thread I posted a fe weeks back, i was saying the same thing...maybe it'll help you.
  • caseybreunig
    caseybreunig Posts: 21 Member
    The first week is by far the hardest. But once you get your body used to it (and get over any muscle soreness)...your body will actually start to MISS the workouts! You'll notice an energy boost and stress reduction. Just make that critical decision to get started...
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    thank you so much everyone!!! I eat about 6 small meals a day, I was a gestational diabetic and the diet that I fallowed then works wonders!!! The last time I had my iron checked about 4 months ago it was really good. I still take my prenatal vitamins. However the stress of my life may be getting to me :( I appriciate everyones suggestions!! Congrats on all of you weight loss!!!!!