IIFYM - Is anybody doing it?



  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Mmmm pie chart
  • ilinx
    ilinx Posts: 34
    I am 167cm tall and currently weigh 61kg.
    I calculated that my my caloric intake should be 1650kcal a day acording to my tdee minus 20% to lose weight.
    So I figured that I should eat 122g of protein (equals 488kcal) and at least 27.45g of fat (equals 247kcal) every day. This means I have 815kcal left to fill up.
    Like I said before, I normally manage to eat 60 or 70g of protein.Should I add two protein shakes each day to reach my 122g?
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    only if you can't get it from food, which shouldn't be too hard. your diary is closed so I don't know what you eat currently but if you get protein from lean sources such as chicken/tuna/beef/turkey/eggs/some dairy and nuts you should be able to get 100g+ easily without the need for a supplement.

    At your kind of weight you should focus manly on lifting also.