what's the difference?

kjllose Posts: 948 Member
edited November 2023 in Food and Nutrition
How come 4 oz of raw ground turkey which is 170 calories becomes 193 calories once you cook it?
I didn't use any fat when I cooked it? I know I'm being a little picky here but which one is right? Anyone have any answers? See you after the weekend, going out of town and will miss my computer. :(


  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    How come 4 oz of raw ground turkey which is 170 calories becomes 193 calories once you cook it?
    I didn't use any fat when I cooked it? I know I'm being a little picky here but which one is right? Anyone have any answers? See you after the weekend, going out of town and will miss my computer. :(
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I was wondering the same thing on a few other things actually. Not sure what the difference is maybe someone can enlighten us. :)

  • Cooking food is making a physical change to it, sometimes changing its molecular make up. I
    n the case of turkey where I expect it is mostly protein, perform a test:
    How much dies it weigh before cooking?
    Now cook it completely done (nothing raw completely cooked to 160 degrees)
    Why does is weigh so much less? Becuase you cooked the water out.

    So if 4 oz of raw is 170 calories
    and 4 oz of cooked is 193 calories.

    I bet to end up with 4 oz of cooked turkey, you had to start with more than 4 oz of raw turkey.
  • hjcopeland
    hjcopeland Posts: 53 Member
    Dolson is right - 4 oz of cooked anything probably started out as 6-8 oz raw.

    In other words, to get 4 oz ocfcooked turkey, you have to cook 6-8 oz of raw turkey, or...

    Your 4 oz of raw turkey turns into 2-3 oz of cooked turkey after you cook it.

    Hope that helps!
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Thanks everyone. I made of patties that were 4 oz to start but didn't weigh them after I cooked them. Will try it and see what the diff really is.
  • charley078
    charley078 Posts: 48 Member
    thank you so much for this , I was having a hard time understanding this, my mom keeps telling me that food weighs less after it's cooked (except for pasta & rice) but all these different sites kept telling me different, so I guess my mom was right...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,458 Member
    Oh, lord, Charley - don't let your mom know she was right !

    But that is a very enlightening fact ! Thanks, dolson3848. I'm glad we have such smart people here.

  • I was wondering the same thing. They also list turkey and pork etc in raw form, is anyone really eating these foods raw?
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