Hi, I'm new :) and need some help

Hey everyone, I'm new to this site. I've managed to go from 193 to 176 and still have a ton left to lose. However, I've been reading all the posts and I'm now totally confused on calorie intake. I set myself to 1200 and end up netting anywhere from 700-1100 depending on the day. Am I going to stop losing? I don't feel like I have less energy or like I'm losing muscle.

I'm also looking for new friends on here so feel free to add me :) The more support the better. I'm a new runner and I ride horses as exercise.


  • flyingpurplemonkey
    Honestly, nobody knows. There are a TON of people on here who will tell you that you're not eating enough. And will swear to you that you are going to stop losing.

    However, I'm doing pretty much what you are. I try to eat between 1200-1300 a day, and usually don't eat back many of my exercise calories, so I net around what you are. And I feel great. I started at 170, and am now at 145, in about 10 weeks, still losing steadily. It works great for me. But every body is different. What works for some, won't work for others. There is no one way to lose weight. I say if it's working for you, keep it up. Just make sure you are listening to your body.

    PS. I sent a FR :)