What diet plan are you on?



  • rachelerwin
    rachelerwin Posts: 140 Member
    I am not on a diet. I am on a lifestyle change. So far so good.
  • butterflyqueen1984
    Thanks for all your replies, I suppose I should call this a lifestyle change. I hope each and everyone of you has a great weight loss journey!
  • Brandi1168
    Brandi1168 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm not really on any diet, per se. Just trying to eat less and burn more. Also trying to make it a point to eat more fruits and veggies and less sweets. Good luck! :)
  • ceajules
    Since January between P90x and Turbofire I have lost 19 inches!!!
    Would would like to do the same?

    This is my story

    Hello my name is Angel and I am 39 year old former couch potato
    I have struggled with my weight and have tried every fad diet there was and hated working out, I wanted that quick fix. A year ago heavier and out of shape I decided to try P90X however I never changed my diet and 66 days into I gave up I didnt see the results I wanted after that I continued to put on more weight after seeing some pictures of myself I said enough is enough and like everyone else on the planet in January I decided to lose weight and exercise after losing 20lbs through healthy eating I did some walking and other DVDS at home but it just wasn't cutting it. I would see the commercials and I thought I need to try that P90X again and finish it this time! After week one I thought what was I thinking I could barely do the push ups on my knees I hurt everywhere and never thought I would get better or even finish I would see myself in the mirror working out many times I cried. I kept pushing play!!! I got stronger I was bringing it! Push ups well I can bust out 100 right now if you would like :) If I can do this anyone can! I then passed the fit test for Insanity and have been doing that and I hate it and love it all at the same time. I love having muscles I love being strong I love being healthy. I graduated from P90X in August 2012 and I am so proud! and I want to help others so I became coach and began my 2nd workout Turbofire, I was scared at first because I have no coordination but I fell in love with the program and the music and I will see this through to the end 20 weeks :) I finish it before my 40th Birthday in December and I cant wait to start another program, my goal is to do all of them
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Intermittent fasting has been shown to reduce your chances of getting diabetes type 2.
  • Snuffle0107
    Moderation when it comes to food and an active lifestyle:)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    At least 65% Fat, around 10 to 15% Carbohydrate by calories (not weight).

    I like to use my body fat for energy, the carbs are incidental for this.

    I ate 700 "extra" (over my default MFP guideline) tasty calories down my neck yesterday, no exercise to speak of, no worries.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I use this nifty little online thing caller My Fitness Pal. Works great, no craziness, nothing off limits. Eat smarter. Exercise sensibly. Amazing.