Going to Japanese Restaurant - Suggestions?

Some friends are getting together tonight for our holiday celebration and we will be going to a Japanese restaurant. Starting to retain water just thinking about all the salt but started drinking extra water to prepare! Any suggestions as to what menu items you'd pick?


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    stay away from the tempora. Sushi can be sketchy too. Stick with the chicken or fish (white fish or shell fish are usually ok), veggies, and maybe just a little rice (see if they have whole grain rice, if not, just be wary of how much you eat, anything more than a fist size is more than one portion). Also sodium can be an issue as well, ask them to keep the sauces on the side when ever possible. I know this will be difficult because they usually cook for multiple people, but give it your best shot.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Sushi can be sketchy, but it's always what I get :) It's just to hard to have all of the requests for my meal to be prepared a certain way, plus I :heart: sushi!! Just stay away from tempura/fried like Banks said, and don't get any with a creamy sauce. Generally the california roll is pretty safe. Just look for ones with fish, veggies, and rice. Dip in a little soy and you're golden!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    A lot of Japanese places now have spa cuisine which is usually a lot healthier...not as much sauce, usually steamed or baked food, whole grain rice, ect. If possible look up the menu in advance.
  • Nipha
    Nipha Posts: 12
    Oh, celebrations with lots of people are always tough. At least in my expirence people are in the "Its a celebration so kick-back-your-heals and eat whatever you want" mode and generally hate it if you remind (even by example) of watching what to eat. Honestly, I have found being a pickey eater is easier to explain than trying to loose weight. If you say you are picky so you can't eat the sushi that everyone wants to order and share it is way easier that saying you are trying to keep on a diet (because people can take that to mean you are judging what they eat even if you aren't.) I just always say I am picky and don't like fish/mushrooms/whatever to get out of it then order something that I will think works for me. If these people know you really well it won't work though.

    Good luck!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I'm not sure just how daring you are with sushi, but there are many uncooked options that are very low in calories and fat. I always get sashimi; this is raw fish (usually salmon, whitefish, and tuna) that is served without rice. If you really like rolls, go for a Rainbow Roll. It is a typical California Roll with the raw fish pieces across the top with the occasional avocado slice. Lots of protein and good fats. Definitely stay away from tempura and fried bento boxes.

    Another tip is to use low sodium soy sauce. Also, believe it or not, make sure you get real wasabi and not the fake stuff that is made from a powder and water. Fake wasabi has a lot more calories than the real stuff shaved from the actual wasabi root. And, ask for white ginger slices instead of the pink ginger slices. The white ginger has been less processed, has less sodium, and generally tastes better (at least it does to me).

    Don't go crazy with Miso soup, either. Mucho sodium in that. The same with edamame; lots of calories there, but great for protein. It all depends on what you want to eat. More sushi/sashimi equals less of the add-ons, sauces, dips, etc.

    So, have fun and enjoy your sushi. :happy:
  • klybarger
    Did not know that about the wasabi! I think I've got a food plan in my head now and should be fine. I think I can now enjoy the evening with my friends without so much worry about the food side of the evening! Thanks everyone.
  • dkent2009
    Get a sunomuno (sp?) salad. Its rice noodles with a vinegar dressing. Very low fat and super tasty! I usually get shrimp in it. This is only 1 pt on weight watchers. I usually start with the salad then I get an appetizer of sashimi...very low in fat! Good luck!