Here we go!

My names Dave, I'm 25 years old and incredibly over weight. I at the time of this point am 222.4lbs and 5'5 but if you saw me you wouldn't guess it. Most people who guess my weight say around 200 which for my frame is still wayyyyy to much. Most of my weight gain came in high school when I stopped playing football for a year so I would eat like I was going to burn through the food but never did.

Prior to attending college for three months I did the south beach diet during which time I lost about 40 pounds to bring myself down to 160lbs. That is the least I have weighted in recent memory. I dieted again in college when I got back around 200lbs but it was always towards a purpose not a lifestyle choice (spring break, formals, etc) which was easily defeated by beer and liquor.

I took two years off from college to work full time and now I am finishing up my last few classes. As I walk around campus I remember what great shape I use to be in. Everyone tells me (even people that don't like me anymore) that Im a good looking guy if i just got in shape (you can see a photo of me when I was younger in my profile) .

So that's my goal to get in the best shape of my life by my 26th birthday


  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    you can do it :) im at college right now first three months i gained.. i wasnt used to the new system. then i lost 18 pounds in like a month or less. now im 115. im trying to not go underweight by not eating due to stress. stress+ me= no food... sadly.

    feel free to add me, we can support each other

  • gazelleintraining
    Hey Dave,

    Welcome to MFP. I, too, am also a newbie and can totally relate to people telling me that I'd look amazing if I lost the extra weight.

    I think there's something to what I call "physical" body types (I've got one, too) in that so long as you work out, you can generally eat pretty well (and look "healthy" but not fat, but when you stop working out, the pounds can really pack on. It's been my experience (I'm 37) that as you grow older, too, the weight loss cycles become fewer and the gains longer stretches of time, so it's great that you're tackling this head on now. And exercise, exercise, exercise! Really helps with reducing the voracious appetite.

    Best of luck, and feel free to connect.
