Just started running and...



  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    About 6 or 7 years ago, I started as a treadmill walker, who never planned on running. Ever. Well, after months of that, I started putting little snippets of running in my walks. The running part kept growing, and the next thing you know, I was out on trails walking and jogging and running and doing it all. Then came the bicycling. And it just kept building. Now, I'm about a month away from my second marathon, and I race triathlon all season long.

    This didn't happen overnight. It took years to get where I am today. As far as being overwhelmed by all you read, just remember you're reading things written by people who aren't where you are. So of course you would feel overwhelmed and intimidated.

    There's no better advice to a new runner than GET FITTED FOR SOME HIGH QUALITY RUNNING SHOES!. It should be a no brainer, but it's not. Go to a dedicated running store, and make sure you're getting good, high quality, properly fitted shoes. This is not advice from a wealthy running snob. If you sacrifice on shoes, you risk endless injury. And injury is just not fun. Or cheap.

    The next best advice to a new runner is, HAVE FUN. Running should be fun. Let it play to things that make you happy, or peaceful. If you're an outdoorsy type, then find a park with trails. If you're an adventurous type then try new routes every so often. Just find a way to keep it fun. Do that, and you'll never be overwhelmed.

    And, as others have said, PATIENCE, GRASSHOPPER. You're not going to wake up one morning, strap on your Nikes for the first time, then magically run a marathon. The more patient you are, the easier it'll be for you to continue having fun as you progress, and the less likely you'll be to burn out and quit.

    I hope this helps, and I wish you joy, peace, and good running.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Don't give up . . . keep running, keep trying, keep getting better.

    I wasn't a "runner" to start, I started out slow following MY program (which was run at a comfortable pace until I couldn't and then walk for 2 minutes or so, then run again)- I just did what felt right for me. Now I don't think I could live without running- seriously it is my outlet, therapy, "save place". I just took first place in a 5K race yesterday and will run a half next weekend . . . HAVE FUN . . .
  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    Don't get caught up in all the technical stuff. Get fitted for the proper shows and run. Try the C25K program. It's a great way to start off.
  • JephaMooi
    JephaMooi Posts: 112 Member
    Girl just keep on keepin' on!

    Get some music in your ears, create a playlist that'll get your spirit pumped, and start slow. Slow pace run, pick it up here and there, slow back down. Either way, don't stop.

    Just recently I've been able to do a mile and a half without stopping. Big deal for me. What really kicked my motivation in was telling myself "So what, you stop running and you just stand here? Then what?" Thus the continued run, even if it's a small jog or quick walk....it's moving, training you muscles and training your mind.

    Have only positive thoughts. See what you want, see what your outcome will be, see yourself overcome, and believe me, the moment you make it, you will have a great new respect for yourself. :D

    ps. If you ever need help with a playlist, message me. I've got some fun ones.