DestinyMarrie Posts: 11
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss

I have been considering trying Alli.. but want to get others opinions first. :)


  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    i did it for a while and yes i did lose weight but i was also running 4 miles a day. honestly, it was more of a pain then anything. first you have to remember to take it with every meal and then you have to deal with having bright orange oil in your poo. sorry if that's TMI but it's true. lol. hope this helps. :-)
  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    Alli does have it's pro's and cons's. Alli does help with weight loss although it states it will only help you lose a few extra pounds with diet and exercise. The con's of course are diarrhea and loose stool that are frequent. FDA has approved it, but you will only see results with proper diet and exercise.
    My personal opinion is that if you feel you need pills to help enhance your weight loss and won't count on them go ahead and try it. Nothing is wrong with trying things as long as you are incorporating diet and exercise. I do know of a person that was on it and they state they notice weight loss, but it came with diarrhea and gained weight after discontinuing the medication.
  • Yes!!!! Its very good. I have been on it since oct and have lost 20lbs!!!!. BUT you must NOT go over your fat grams and you have to take it at every meal and not miss. It is really safe and I have had no side effects at all. Good Luck!!!!!!
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    i could almost swear there was a class action suiot against this cause it caused some kind of organ damage. maybe it was another pill???
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I know that fen-phen had a law suit- for heart damage- I haven't heard anything about Alli.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    :sick: I don't see the point in it - in order to not have ''oops's" all the time you need to stick to 15g of fat per meal or less...if you don't, Alli will remove the fat for you...without warning- seriously check the side effects. My coworker (which many on here have heard me talk about...more laugh about bc she was an idiot while taking it) is still recovering from a serious e-coli infection in her bladder :noway: she doesn't believe it, but idk how there would be any other way than an Alli ''oops'' transferring e-coli into her bladder.

    If you try it - please just be careful. :flowerforyou: good luck!
  • Save your money and your panties and just eat less fat. Its just a behaviour modifier. If you eat too much fat, you get the squirts.

    I tried it. I found it pointless, since all I had to do was count my fat and calories. (I didn't go over because I didn't want the "treatment effects, as they so nicely call them) So I stopped taking them and followed the same plan. Same results.
  • i could almost swear there was a class action suiot against this cause it caused some kind of organ damage. maybe it was another pill???

    You're right.

    The over-the-counter weight loss drug Alli, which contains orlistat, has been linked with reports of serious and potentially life-threatening liver damage. In August 2009, the FDA initiate a safety review of the potential Alli side effects to determine if there is a direct relationship between reports of liver injury and diet drugs containing orlistat
  • One of my coworkers aunt was in a coma for 5 days for being on ALLI for 6 months. Her liver is damaged. I have never taken it and after talking to her and am too afraid. sorry
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I tried Alli for a while and didn't really see any results. What is the point of taking the pills if you are watching your calories and fat intake anyway? Also, the "treatment effects" just aren't worth it. I tried Alli because all that was readily available for me to eat was fast food and crappy foods. I didn't lose any weight, had side effects, ruined some pants, and DRAINED my bank account!

    Stick with a healthy diet, watch your fat and calorie intake using MFP, and keep your money in the bank! And, don't forget to exercise.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    No, absolutely not. There's not a single reason to take a weight loss pill IMHO, short of "you're so obese that you risk IMMANENT death", and in that case doctors rarely prescribe pills. That isn't to say physically they don't work, I'm sure they do. But pills alter your body chemistry. This means physically, it's impossible to use a pill as part of a program designed to allow you to learn how to eat healthy, lose weight, and remain at the lower weight for the rest of your life.

    I could go on and on about the reasons not to take any diet pill. But I won't. Unless you guys want me to, it would sound very preachy of me to do it without people at least requesting.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    i could almost swear there was a class action suiot against this cause it caused some kind of organ damage. maybe it was another pill???

    You're right.

    The over-the-counter weight loss drug Alli, which contains orlistat, has been linked with reports of serious and potentially life-threatening liver damage. In August 2009, the FDA initiate a safety review of the potential Alli side effects to determine if there is a direct relationship between reports of liver injury and diet drugs containing orlistat
    Thought so its the old adage if it sounds too good to be is
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