I will leave my body to medical science

Day 162, and for some bizarre reason, I have the theme to Red Dwarf (British TV program) in my head. Maybe I should go and watch it. Anyway...

Day 162

My journey started 31st March this year, and it was and still is a much needed journey. For more details of my journey see http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/713100-day-144-progress-with-pic

I sit here, frustrated, demotivated, and exhausted. I have driven my MFP friends crazy, which means that some of them are 3/4 crazy now, because they were half crazy to start with. In August, I ran over a hundred miles, lifted weights, did aeropilates, and watched what I ate. All I lost in August, was 3.4lb. I keep bobbing around the same weight.

SW 238.8lb

CW 199.2lb -200.4lb it can't decide what it wants to do.

In 162 days, I have lost 40lb and 88 inches. Yes, I know, that is a LOT of inches, but there has been virtually no change since July. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate how far I have come, but there is only so much banging your head against a wall you can take. I really am getting to the end of my rope.

I drink plenty of water, I can't up my exercising. I have an injured cartilage, and pain dictates how much I can do.

I used the automatic settings on MFP at first, but was told to change them. I did have a problem trying to work out my BMR TDEE and what my goals should be on MFP. I have no real clue what to set them at. Seriously.

I don't have my diary open, for personal reasons. Basically, I have had family "nit pick" all my life, and I know if people start "nit picking" my diary, I will just stop eating, and completely leave MFP. I know people mean well, but that is something I can't take. I don't eat junk, drink soda, I hate sugar, I watch my sodium, drink only water (at least 64oz a day), and take vitamins. I log every morsel I drink or eat. I measure and weigh my food.

I have been anorexic in the past (97lb at 23/24), and my blood pressure and pulse are low. My weight problem stems not from overeating, but from not eating enough regularly. I DO NOT have a thyroid condition, it has been checked nearly every year for the last 10 years, and I have had glucose tolerence test done.. that was fine. It COULD be hormonal. As we all know, we women can be hormonal messes.

I can't afford a personal trainer or to go to the gym.

I am 48

and work from home at the computer most of the day. I do try to run each morning. This morning I ran 5k in 17 minutes. During August I was running 6 days a week 5-6 miles in half an hour.

I only took up running in May, and I found that I was sweating so profusely, and being blunt, it STANK, so I tested it with a dip stick, and it was because of ketones. I was told to drink accelerade, and I no longer stink, but the sweat still contains ketones. Yes... ICK, disgusting.. but relelvent I think. I have read so many differing theories on it, but was categorically told by a scientist, the only way that happens is the body is breaking down fatty acids. I have read that it is muscles breaking down, but that is incorrect, that biproduct would be protein, and ultimately amino acids.

I tried doing a week at BMR and one at TDEE, or what I was told was my TDEE, no exercise to shake things up. Last week I had a stomach bug, which was hard on the digestive system, so that was a VERY light diet.

IF stress actually burnt calories.. I would be a supermodel by now. All I can think is, I am some sort of weird project, and should be left to medical science.

I have an amazing bunch of MFP friends, and appreciate all their support. x


  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 346 Member
    I was reading the forum post "frustrated", and I understand her frustration, but if you have been logging for only a week, it is a bit impatient to expect RESULTS, but I have been struggling for nearly TWO months.

    I watch my sodium
    I drink enough water
    I exercise as hard as I can
    I do strength training
    I run 5+ miles 6 times a week (usually)
    I weigh and measure my food
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    How would you feel about doing a week or two at maintenance calories? Or eating one day at maintenance, one day at deficit. I would also go back to MFP's settings, and I would eat back only 1/2 of your calories in case of overestimating.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I agree about going back to MFP settings. I would also stop weighing for a month. Just stick to a plan and have faith. You've been working hard - you've had good success. Keep at it but step back. The most important thing is not to quit.

    You can do it. It takes a long time to put on weight. It takes a long time to take it off.
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 346 Member
    How would you feel about doing a week or two at maintenance calories? Or eating one day at maintenance, one day at deficit. I would also go back to MFP's settings, and I would eat back only 1/2 of your calories in case of overestimating.

    Most of the time, I don't eat back all my calories, so I am probably not overestimating. I usually log less than I do, because I don't want to overestimate.

    I am prepared to give it a go. Have scratched my head trying to work something out, but not thought of that one. Thank you for the suggestion.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I bet other people are still seeing a change. It sounds like you hit a plateau, but I bet you already know that. Keep up the hard work, Its not doing you any harm. You could consider changing your nutrition to maybe MWF high carbs and the rest low low carb. Also try running then lunges, then walking then running again. I know for me, my body stopped adjusting to my running when I started running continuously. Your body still burns calories when your heart goes up high then back down.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Sometimes we have to be patient, but without knowing all your stats and what your calorie/macro intake is I'm guessing you are under eating. Even a spike day could help you. After being strict for a while sometimes our bodies need a calorie surplus for a day or two to reset hormonal and chemical levels in our body.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I recommend keeping off of the scales for a while. I weigh in just once a month now, and I have not lost any weight for 3 months (actually I lost 2 lb and dropped it again). I am smaller, fitter and I have improved muscle definition. The only time I worry about my weight is when I weigh in, other than that I am more than happy with my progress. We spend too much time fretting about what the scales tell us, rather than what we can see in the mirror or how well we feel. I purchased a pair of skinny jeans yesterday in a UK size 12, I could not have done that 3 months ago.

    I have to admit I clicked on this thread hoping to see someone justifying why they would leve their body for medical research when they popped their clogs. Its a good idea :smile:
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Kat,

    Quick question. As you lose weight, please remember to go to the "goals" section and update them. This will recalculate, based on your current weight and your goal/week, how many calories you need to consume each day (each lb dropped lowers your caloric need/day by about 10). It would be great if the website did this automatically when you "Weigh in" your new lower weight. Since it doesnt, what may be happening is that your food table is still displaying your original caloric needs and not your current (based on your lower weight).

    Also, after you enter a new weight in the "Weigh in" section and after updating your goals, there's one more thing to remember. In the Exercise log, if you are one to "copy from date", after copying it, you need to re-enter your time. This will recalculate the number of calories burned based on your updated weight. If you dont, it'll just copy the minutes exercised and calories burned from that earlier (and when you were heavier) date.

    That may be why you haven't lost weight, you are still eating to lose weight based on your original weight.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    First, love the humor in your post! And I'm sorry you're stressed, I know that can make you hold onto pounds for dear life.

    You could try shaking things up by going low carb, but the side effects are a brief period of more ketone stink and possibly a week or two of annoying carb flu.

    Maybe you could try a different shakeup if you're not up for low carb. Add a food, subtract a food. If you consume fake sugars, try getting rid of those, for example. Or change up your exercise routine.

    And definitely try to get enough sleep. Stress plus lack of sleep is really bad.
  • i actually am leaving my body to science..4 yrs ago i filled out all the forms and sent them in and when i kick it i am being sent to "THE BODY FARM" in tennessee...family not thrilled but it is what it is...
  • Just wanted to say hang in there, chin up, and all that sort of thing. Just never give up and you'll get there.
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 346 Member
    Also try running then lunges, then walking then running again. I know for me, my body stopped adjusting to my running when I started running continuously. Your body still burns calories when your heart goes up high then back down.

    I can't do lunges, my knee can't take it. I can barely walk up stairs.

    I do like the idea of MWF. Something for me to try.
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 346 Member
    Hi Kat,

    Quick question. As you lose weight, please remember to go to the "goals" section and update them. This will recalculate, based on your current weight and your goal/week, how many calories you need to consume each day (each lb dropped lowers your caloric need/day by about 10). It would be great if the website did this automatically when you "Weigh in" your new lower weight. Since it doesnt, what may be happening is that your food table is still displaying your original caloric needs and not your current (based on your lower weight).

    Also, after you enter a new weight in the "Weigh in" section and after updating your goals, there's one more thing to remember. In the Exercise log, if you are one to "copy from date", after copying it, you need to re-enter your time. This will recalculate the number of calories burned based on your updated weight. If you dont, it'll just copy the minutes exercised and calories burned from that earlier (and when you were heavier) date.

    That may be why you haven't lost weight, you are still eating to lose weight based on your original weight.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write. I have to say, that up until about a month ago, I was not updating my calorie intake on MFP. I don't "copy from date", because not every workout is the same. Thanks, once again for the info.
  • b_fit4life
    b_fit4life Posts: 105 Member
    Everyone is different but I would NOT recommend any special diet that would not be sustainable for your lifetime (ie. low carb, high carb, etc) Once you stop those "diets" you often regain lost weight. I would suggest varying your exercise if you can. I know you said you have knee problems but maybe some strength training would be possible to mix in with your running. I agree with another poster that said your body will get used to running and you'll see fewer results from doing the same exercise. If running is what you really like to do then I agree with the other poster that recommended interval training (walk/run/repeat). I also experienced breaking through my own plateau by increasing my calorie intake. I hope you find what works for you. Good luck!
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 346 Member
    If running is what you really like to do then I agree with the other poster that recommended interval training (walk/run/repeat). I also experienced breaking through my own plateau by increasing my calorie intake. I hope you find what works for you. Good luck!

    Thank you. It is scary when you up your calories, you are so worried about gaining. I will try that. I know I probably am eating too few calories.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Have you tried changing your exercise routine? The body gets more efficient at the activities you teach it to do over time, so your calorie burn gets smaller and smaller and MFP doesn't account for this. I read somewhere that you should change up your workout every 8 weeks to keep the burns high.

    If your joints are bad, I recommend swimming - it's a great burn and your body won't complain.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I'm a runner and I've been steadily increasing my calories my calories since I started in early August. I quickly learned that I've gained weight over the last 3 years because I hadn't been eating enough all that time. It sounds to me like you're working hard! I recommend that you eat back your exercise calories. Try using a protein shake after your workouts. My diary is open.

  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Hi Kat,

    Quick question. As you lose weight, please remember to go to the "goals" section and update them. This will recalculate, based on your current weight and your goal/week, how many calories you need to consume each day (each lb dropped lowers your caloric need/day by about 10). It would be great if the website did this automatically when you "Weigh in" your new lower weight. Since it doesnt, what may be happening is that your food table is still displaying your original caloric needs and not your current (based on your lower weight).

    Also, after you enter a new weight in the "Weigh in" section and after updating your goals, there's one more thing to remember. In the Exercise log, if you are one to "copy from date", after copying it, you need to re-enter your time. This will recalculate the number of calories burned based on your updated weight. If you dont, it'll just copy the minutes exercised and calories burned from that earlier (and when you were heavier) date.

    That may be why you haven't lost weight, you are still eating to lose weight based on your original weight.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write. I have to say, that up until about a month ago, I was not updating my calorie intake on MFP. I don't "copy from date", because not every workout is the same. Thanks, once again for the info.

    You can copy from date or go there and copy to today and then modify the minutes/time/portion size whatever
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 346 Member
    Hi Kat,

    Quick question. As you lose weight, please remember to go to the "goals" section and update them. This will recalculate, based on your current weight and your goal/week, how many calories you need to consume each day (each lb dropped lowers your caloric need/day by about 10). It would be great if the website did this automatically when you "Weigh in" your new lower weight. Since it doesnt, what may be happening is that your food table is still displaying your original caloric needs and not your current (based on your lower weight).

    Also, after you enter a new weight in the "Weigh in" section and after updating your goals, there's one more thing to remember. In the Exercise log, if you are one to "copy from date", after copying it, you need to re-enter your time. This will recalculate the number of calories burned based on your updated weight. If you dont, it'll just copy the minutes exercised and calories burned from that earlier (and when you were heavier) date.

    That may be why you haven't lost weight, you are still eating to lose weight based on your original weight.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to write. I have to say, that up until about a month ago, I was not updating my calorie intake on MFP. I don't "copy from date", because not every workout is the same. Thanks, once again for the info.

    You can copy from date or go there and copy to today and then modify the minutes/time/portion size whatever

    Thank you. I guess I just do things the hard way :laugh: