Didn't just join but trying again.

Started using this site about a month or two ago but remembered tonight why i stopped. It doesn't give me enough options for daily exercise, this I feel really impacts what I have done for the day. My other issue is that I never know what is considered "a day". According to this, a day is from 12am -12:59pm. What if you wake and have breakfast at 3pm and your dinner around 12-1 am? Kinda throws things off a little. I consider my day to be from the time I wake up to when I go to bed, not a calendar day.

Here again to try and somewhat track my calorie intake as I seen to have plateaued at between 127-129. I generally eat around 1200-1300 calories a day. I don't always work out because I get home from work so late and I am so tired and I feel my daily calorie intake, alone, plus what I *must* burn during work would foster weight loss. When I do work out 3-4 times a week if not more, it's pretty good. 40-50 mins on the elliptical at a resistance of 5-7. According to that, I burn around 600 calories.

It might be easier to keep on track if I had some support/friends on here who could help me learn how to use this thing properly and also give me feedback on what I am doing. Not looking to lose a lot of weight, about 10 pounds, but these last 10 seem impossible without starvation. Also, I fear losing 10 and still not losing the specific areas of flub that are bothering me. Add me as a friend if know a lot or know nothing; if you know nothing and prefer to stumble through the darkness towards success with a pal rather than finding your way alone. We can maybe help each other find the way. Cheers!


  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    First of all, I joined 4 months ago and was pretty successful for 4 weeks, losing 7 pounds. However, then I got off track, gained it back, and here I am again. This time I am SO much more motivated, so congrats on coming back!

    Anyway, when you join, the site takes you through a way to set up your goals. One of the options is to select your daily activity level: sedentary, lightly active, moderately active, etc. It then calculates how many calories you burn during the day even if you don't exercise and uses this to help set your calorie goal for each day. So don't worry about logging work activities as exercise.

    Also, I don't always have super normal hours. Sometimes my breakfast is at 8 am, sometimes 10 am, and sometimes even as late as noon. You can edit what your meals are labeled and change it from Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks to something else such as Before 10 am, 10 am - 2 pm, etc. or whatever else may suit your needs. However, what I do is log my food as whatever meal I consider it. If I wake up at 11 am on a Saturday and have a granola bar, I still log it as breakfast. If for some reason I have a snack after midnight, I would still put it in the snacks for the previous day because I haven't gone to sleep yet.

    Hope this helps! Keep up the good work. Those are great workouts when you can fit them in. Add me if you like, and feel free to ask me questions any time. I'll answer if I can : )
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    I have the same crazy schedule. If you eat after 12am, just go back to "the previous day" to enter your food (or exercise).
    It's not the next day for us until after we go to bed. (Live in Vegas)
    What do you mean it doesn't give you enough options for exercise?
    Like not enough time slots?
    My suggestions is get one of those wrist things that measure how many calories you burn,
    And wear it only when you excercise.
    Then add calories burned every few hours.
    I saw one for under $40 at Walmart.