I just want to feel comfortable in my own body

Hi, I am new to these forums and I seriously need support in my weight loss journey. I feel very uncomfortable with my body. I have a muffin top so my pants fall down and I have to constantly pull them up :/ Like someone said on pinterest... I feel like a busted can of biscuits. I wear a belt sometimes which helps a little except when I forget to wear it. I know that losing weight would make me feel healthier, happier, more confident, and more comfortable. But it is still extremely difficult! I do binge eat at times. I recently did this today. Sometimes it gives me a stomachache but even that does not stop me from doing it in the future. I do not know if I do it because I feel sorry for myself, feel bored, or just enjoy eating too much. Does anyone have any ideas to stop binge eating? And ideas to be more controlling over your calorie intake in general? I need to work on eating smaller meals throughout the day.


  • mh569
    mh569 Posts: 41
    Hey! Add me up, I'd love to be there for you in those times you need support from someone.
    I know exactly how you feel, super uncomfortable in my body. I've always been bigger, but that's changing : )
    Keep strong!
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Log your binges in advance (or as you're doing them) -- sometimes seeing what you're about to do in numbers helps you stop the binge in its tracks (or at least binge less).
  • slenderizeme
    slenderizeme Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks that is a good idea. Usually I wait until after I am eating but it could help to update my food diary after each serving.
  • heartsherps
    heartsherps Posts: 57 Member
    I know the feeling. Advice: increase water and protein intake. Keeps you satiated longer, yadda-yadda. Allow yourself small indulgences: a single cookie (or serving of cookies), a serving of ice cream, et cettera. And find healthy alternatives to your favorite binge treats so that if you do wind up binging you end up over by 300 calories rather than 3000. For example, a whole pint of frozen yogurt is about a third of the calories of a whole pint of ice cream (which is my weakness), but I am equally satisfied during the binge.

    Also, invest in a set of measuring cups and a food scale. People tend to eat in units, whether it's the ounce of chips you measured out or the whole bag you're eating from. And just that pause between pouring yourself another ounce is sometimes enough for you to stop yourself (especially if the bag is across the room or, better yet, across the house).

    Just my 2 cents. :flowerforyou: