30 Days For Me

I just hit the 30 day mark on MFP and I just weighed in for the week and was disappointed to see I was up .5lbs. Looking back this week has been very stressful, and I think I exercised only one day out of the week. I also got all the way to bedtime and realized I had not tracked anything except breakfast. I had compromised that maybe I would not track or worry about weight on the weekends and just do it during the week, but I know that is wrong. So, how will I turn this around for next week? I know .5lbs is nothing to cry about, but I don't want to get into the habit of gaining and losing the same 5lbs. I want to take this seriously and make a real change in my life. I think I just did and I feel more empowered. :-)

Minigoals for today:
Drink Water
Plan Dinner Meals for coming work week
Love Always


  • thescottishone
    thescottishone Posts: 39 Member
    Know the feeling! Try not to be too hard on yourself. If you really want to do this it is going to have to be weekends too, I think.. I have the same problem. the first weekend I put in semi effort and saw such shoddy results that this weekend I have stuck to my limit and exercised more. I might sound like a right eejit but I have also made myself a 'visual' (I really want to lose this weight!!!!). I have a poster on my bedroom wall where I can cross of the pounds as I lose them. As I look at this progress in the morning or as i get changed to go out, it makes me make a mental note that I do not want to put back on what I have lost or put even more on so I have to toughen up! Lots of exercise next week may help you to feel better.

    Hope it goes well for you.