Not Losing?

I have been dieting for nearly 2 years, and I've lost 85 pounds. Over this past summer I have lost barely four pounds (despite being really active and eating about 2k calories per day.) I still weight 20 pounds more than my goal, which is the high-end of a "healthy" weight.

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I walk on campus, ride my bike about 3 hours/wk, and eat a pretty clean diet. I want to kick-start my diet again because it feels like I've been doing this forever and I just want to be done already! I'm feeling really discouraged.


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You've done great so far, but you're getting into the harder part of your plan as those last pounds get harder and harder to take off.

    Looking at your diary just briefly, I noticed a couple of things . . .

    You have a lot of sodium for someone who is still a bit overweight. You may be holding water and it probably just isn't good for you. Can you get closer to 1500?

    You don't eat any vegetables. Greens are good for your body in so many ways.

    You eat a lot of highly processed carbs. I'm not a low carb person, but processed carbs (white flour, white sugar, white rice, quick oats, etc.) spike your insulin and make it harder to burn fat and make your body spend more time storing fat. If you've been very overweight, this is particularly problematic. You might try to reduce your calories from carbs to under 50% (40% would be better) and go for less processed carbs like fruit, brown rice, whole wheat flour, barley, etc. That doesn't mean you have to cut out all of the others, but you won't to move in a less processed direction.

    Good luck!