Getting back to it after grief?

Hey guys,
I don't know how many of you know me but for about 6-7 months I was a pretty regular fixture on my boards and my success story is floating around somewhere!

A bit of background, over the past 1 and 1/2 years I've lost close to 80lbs and was dead chuffed. I got into a routine of running 4-6 days a week and eating super, super healthy and vegetarian again.

However, two months ago today I lost my mother at only 44 (I am 18). It was traumatic and very unexpected and the shock of having to watch her slip away in ICU for 10 days on a ventilator etc severely affected me and as such, I slipped into a binge/restriction cycle where i was binging on 2000-3000 calories a day, thus, I've gained weight rapidly. Not too much, I'd estimate about 10-15lbs but it is enough to further my already damaging depression.

For the past two weeks I've been doing better, binging perhaps once a week rather then 24 days straight and I'm going hard at the gym 6 days a week but I am struggling. I feel guilty for all the wonderful people that added me 7 months ago to now find somebody who doesn't comment back when at the moment, I am struggling to keep myself motivated let alone anybody else.

TL:DR - has anybody else experienced binging as a result of grief? How long did it take you to overcome it? Do you have any tips to channel your upset somewhere other than food? Would you like to share your story?


  • hhayes06
    hhayes06 Posts: 189 Member
    I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. As far as channeling the grief could you take it out on the treadmill or the weights or the punching back? I think you are doing great for realizing what you are doing and trying to change that. I think the more you focus on putting your pain into your exercise the less the focus will be on food. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.