Mini Walk

My job is pretty sedentary so I just took a quick walk around the office. Im trying to get some kind of movement during the day to motivate my weight loss. Im on the 4th floor so I took the stairwell down the 2nd floor. From there, I walked the 2nd Floor and headed back to my desk WITHOUT the elevator! I took the stairs back up to the 4th floor and the long route to my desk.

A little winded coming back up, but another reason for me to get fit! :bigsmile:

So far, having a great day. I cant wait to weigh in on Monday!


  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Every bit counts. I usually take walks on my breaks at work. Walk around the complex and then up the parking garage stairs back down and back around the business park complex. It seemed to really help with my weight loss. I never log them as exercise calories though because I don't have a HRM, I don't know exactly how many calories I burn but it's fun especially when you have other co-workers doing it with you.
  • jiblin
    jiblin Posts: 4 Member
    It seems like you get out an move regularly. I too have a sedentary job and what I battle the most is the desire to eat my self out of bordum. I have three people that work for me and they actually had to make my job up for me. There really isnt much for me to do on a regular basis. What do you do to help eliminate any of your desires to eat while sitting at your desk if you do?
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Avoiding snacking constantly at your desk is a hard one. I am around co-workers who bake and snack constantly and we had a dangerous snack drawer close by us at all times!! The only thing that is saving me now I think is the fact that we just moved to a new building and they forbid us to eat at our desks now...which forces us to walk to the breakroom to snack, etc.
    I guess that helps because it's not as easy to slip up and eat a bag of cheetos at your desk anymore lol.

    How about chewing sugar free gum? That seems to help me a lot.
  • bablve3000
    This was the exact reason I got up and took a walk! I had the temptation to eat out of boredom. I sit and type long decisions all day so the strain of the computer and sitting gets very BORING! I find myslef snacking too much....even the healthy stuff! This time, I just picked up my water bottle and took a walk. Like I said, coming back up the stairs, I was a bit winded so I REALLY didnt want to eat anything then! I thought of myself, half out of breath and then reaching for a snack.....not a good look! :laugh:

    I may try the sugar free gum as well. I may not be able to explain all the walks! LOL
  • tasha30
    tasha30 Posts: 248 Member
    Im with you guys. I work in an office with a huge warehouse attached, and this is a great place to take a walking break, but there is so much traffic back there with mobile equipment going back and forth I stopped. I just make sure I either get on my treadmill in the mornings before work or workout after work.

    Also guys and I know it will take a LOT of will power, trust me I know. Someone told me when I want to eat just try drinking a cup or a bottle of water, sometimes when are stomach growls or we think were hungry its really our body saying it needs water. Ive been doing this everyday instead of snacking and it really takes away the hunger. Well temporarily. I dont even really think about snacking after lunch at work. :wink: