
Hello everyone, my name is Danielle and I am from Boston, MA.
After a recent vacation, I was disgusted with myself. My bathing suits didn't fit and I couldn't even button my jeans from 3 months ago! I need to make a change in what I'm eating and doing. I don't want to be miss skinny mini. I would just like to fit into my clothes comfortably and feel better about my appearance. I have also noticed that as I am gaining weight, my mood has changed. I am more (for lack of a better word) depressed.
I was thinking of starting a food diary and wondered if the iPhone had an app for it... sure enough... they do! This is how I found this site.
I think this is great to be able to have a support group online! I look forward to "meeting" you.


  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    MFP is a great and supportive website! Welcome! You can learn so much about having a healthy lifestyle! Good Luck with your weight loss journey!