I might break up with Weight Watchers...



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Consumer Reports found that MFP had way more consumer satisfaction and success than any other program. I can see why. I've done WW in the past and the program has value, but MFP seems easier and just as motivating.
  • frantny
    frantny Posts: 17 Member
    I am new to MFP, and after a week of tracking my food, I too broke up with WW! I find that watching the calories dwindle through the day keeps me in check better than point-counting. I lost 50+ lbs with the old WW points system, but foundered when they changed over to points plus.
  • shelroc1
    Im new to MFP. It will be a week thursday and I am already thinking about counciling my WW. I havnt decided for sure yet but i am seriously considering staying here!
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Hi Merideth,

    I've done both. I had success on WW too...I'm a lifetime member. I haven't participated in WW in 20 years though. I discovered this site a month ago and really like how easy it is to track things.

    I don't think the type of plan one uses is as important as the determination to lose weight. It seems like most folks who lose weight, quit smoking, or stop any habit, just do it when some undefinable thing happens in their thinking. I'm no shrink but I have seen it...and experienced it...enough times to believe it.

    I also believe that "variety is the spice of life". If something gets old we instinctively look for something different to do instead. Just human nature and one of life's ways to keep us engaged.

    Hope this helps.
  • fourthewebbs
    fourthewebbs Posts: 11 Member
    I love MFP which is a free sight but I would not suggest that you stop what has been working. You are so close to your goal. Plus you will be a lifetime member soon. I say stick with WW ( can't believe I'm saying that) but stick to what has worked...I wish so desperately that I would loose 30 pounds. Keep up the good work. Even here you will have to track your food and look up calories and verify if the calories are correct. WW is a more creditable site. Just recommend this to non-WW people. :smile:
  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member
    IF "Success is a staircase, not a doorway." then MFP is an escalator. Walk/run on the escalator is permitted.
  • fourthewebbs
    fourthewebbs Posts: 11 Member
    One more thing, to get out of your rut you might want to take one week to really increase your cardio and reduce your calories. Your body needs an awakening. Your body needs a push so you have to push it.
  • crystaltate4
    i have done ww and i did give it up, i kinda like to be incontrol of everything and on this i can watch everything i want to on ww all there are is points and it doesnt have what salt intake was for day and so on.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I did weight watchers and it taught me some good habits. It taught me portion control above all else, which has helped me here a great deal. But since switching to mfp I've had a lot of success. I feel like it's more personal somehow, tailor-made for me. Good luck to you, and dont be afraid to switch. I'm glad I did. If mfp isn't working, you could always switch back.
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    I was like you with WW. I had success, then stalled, then got irritated by certain things. Then I left WW, but I didn't replace it with anything. The weight slowly crept back plus 40 or so more. So, my advice is to start MFP as you're leaving WW. I've lost more weight with MFP, exercise and portion control than I did with points.