I'm losing weight but I feel so fat/bloated



  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    This is only my personal experience....
    When I swapped out cheeseburgers for healthy food I felt completely horrible.
    The reason was because I was eating a lot of raw vegetables...
    My doctor has stated that this is completely normal... and what she said kind of made sense....
    Before this site I would go out to eat 4-5 times a week. So you know it was loaded with sodium and fat and all those other lovely things that I don't want. Apparently these types of foods are easily digestible, and over time your system can get lazy.
    When you go back to eating whole foods, whole wheat grain, fruit and vegetable skins, ect...it takes your body a minute to get used to it.

    That's the long answer.
    The short answer is: Gas-x.

    Don't laugh at me. LOL
    I keep it on me at all times...it really improves the bloating.
    Now as for 'feeling huge' and not seeing yourself ...accurately even though you're getting smaller...that might be something to talk to someone about. Only you can know if it's serious enough to talk to a doctor about.

    I did and now instead of focusing on the scale, I measure myself, and I'm seeing those results a lot faster.
    9 pounds = 5 inches off my waist! O_O
    I'm also doing strength training and cardio 5 days a week, so my body is building me muscles. :p They weigh more than fat, as I'm sure you know.

    But yah...painful stomach bloating + gas-x= relief. :p
    Just my opinion though :)
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Water plus fresh fruits and veggies can do that if you aren't used to so many in your diet. I'd just keep it up for awhile, cutting back on processed foods can't hurt and see if it improves.