30DS For Someone 300+ Pounds?

I'm at 335 pounds right now, starting weight was 355 about 10 weeks ago. I've been working out pretty hard and have lost a lot of inches around my waist. I want to really push myself and I was thinking about doing 30DS. I would do the modified versions of the exercises and probably stick to level 1 for a while but I'm wondering if anyone has some tips or things I should watch out for?

So far I've been doing 30-60 minutes of cardio a day and a pretty tough dumbbell routine as well as yoga. (Took the last two days off because I've been away from home... just normal walking for now.)

Jillian always says it is important to keep pushing because the body is capable of so much more than we think so I'm excited to see what I can actually do. Just figured I'd get some advice first.


  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    Just be careful in your knees. Squats and jumping jacks can take a toll on them, so be mindful. I say go for it!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    I 'm sorry I don't have experience with 30DS but just wanted to congratulate you on your determination! Good luck!
  • MemphisGirl75
    MemphisGirl75 Posts: 80 Member
    Since you have already been working out, I think you shouldn't have a problem transitioning to 30DS. I would suggest sticking with Level 1 for a while until you have lost more weight. Listen to your body and if you tired or achy, make sure to rest!
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    Bumping .... Im currently 400+ and have found the 30DS to personally be too difficult but looking to see what others have to say .... Currently Im working on the Couch to 5k training program for cardio but still need some good strength training ideas.
  • DocCollins_SFA
    What I learned right off the bat was that I needed a better sports bra! The butt kicks and jumping jacks killed my chest, lol. I'm at 278 right now but started out over 300. I only do 30DS when I don't feel like going to the gym or outside but it really is a great workout and honestly I should do it more. You're able to get a great burn in sch a compact workout which is what I like. Just make sure you really pay attention and do the moves right too or you will be at risk of injuring yourself.
  • newCourtney
    newCourtney Posts: 168 Member
    Go for it! If you puke or pass out, stop...:0) Do as much as you can and build up. I think it's great that you are pushing so hard. Just listen to yourself and rest when you need to.
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    Take as many breaks as you need to. Drink water throughout the routine. Be careful of joints; pushing through like Jillian says to can really hurt them. Listen to your body! If it's telling you "this is too much" than it probably is. Stick with it and do what you can. Each day you'll likely be able to do a tad bit more and eventually you'll be able to do the whole thing! Good Luck!
  • nathanellamom
    i would say go for it . it looks like you have been doing a faboulious job so far. if the stage 1 is to hard then wait a while longer. also like you said modify amount of reps pr weight
    good job on the weight loss so far. i am also over 300 pounds i have lost around 40 pounds so far
    add me if you need support and encourgement.
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    I'm around 290 and have been doing it. I would say go for it! The first time I did it my knees were hurting the next day, so my advice would also be to watch the squats and jumping jacks. I just do a really mild squat, and sometimes for the jumping jacks I will just kind of jump back and forth from one foot to the other, kind of like running in place, if it feels too intense. But it gets easier as you keep doing it. And hey, if you try it and it's too intense for now, you can always shelve it and come back in a month or two :)
  • musiche
    musiche Posts: 214 Member
    Hi! You sound like you're doing a great job with all of your effort thus far! Congratulations!

    I think the one major consideration I would have for you is the amount of plyometric (jumping) exercise in 30DS. Even at my weight I find it to be a lot of strain on the joints and sometimes modify just for the sake of not injuring myself. When carrying extra weight, the force of impact on the knees, hips and back can be too much, especially over time, and can lead to injuries that could take you right out of the game. We don't want that! So, my suggestion would be to modify the jumping jacks, the butt kicks and jump ropes to something that still provides you with a good burn but doesn't strain your bones and joints.

    If you need to, don't be ashamed to press the pause button. The goal is not to be perfect the first time (this is a hard workout!!) but to improve with time. Set small goals and just work on doing a little better each time until you can do the video in it's entirety. No rush!

  • fletchleg
    fletchleg Posts: 116 Member
    I'm 321 but started the shred at 329 (approx) and although I found it hard (and still do) it is doable. I had to ease myself into level one...doing two circuits a day instead of the three on the dvd for a few days then the full lot and I take a minute or so breaks in between each one.

    Just listen to your body, if your knees or joints start really aching then obviously take it easy. It can be done though just be careful not to over exert yourself. Best of luck on it honey, and congrats on your success so far, its amazing what you've achieved.
  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks everyone! I figure I can at least go slower if I'm struggling. I was watching it on YouTube to see how I could handle it. The thing I will struggle with is keeping up the pace so I'll probably have to slow it down and work my way up. And ya... I know I'll be on level 1 for a while. Looks like a kick butt workout and I'm excited to see how it works out! I'll have my HRM by then too which will be nice.
    Bumping .... Im currently 400+ and have found the 30DS to personally be too difficult but looking to see what others have to say .... Currently Im working on the Couch to 5k training program for cardio but still need some good strength training ideas.

    I actually have some dumbell routines and leg/ab routines I found on YouTube. I link to some info on them in my MFP blog. All free and totally awesome! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/AmandaTWaH
  • 2hmom
    2hmom Posts: 241 Member
    Go for it! Wear a compression bra,take breaks,and plant your heels during lunges and squats. Drink lots of water when you're done. I love that you're so determined,you inspire me! Listen to your body. Take measurements! Be patient. Wishing you the best,hon.
  • LindaLou252
    When I started my weight loss journey at 252lbs, I started with JM30DS. In Level 1, JM says there are no modified versions for jumping jacks b/c she has 400lb people who can do jumping jacks. I barely made it through level 1 at 252. I had to modify the modified versions. When I just couldn't take anymore, I walked in place. The point is to, at least, keep your heart rate up. Now, I've finished 30ds and developed a love for running... But, I don't think I would be where I am now without that $10 dvd. You've gotta start somewhere, and it sounds like you're already on the right track! WTG! It's still my go-to dvd for a quick, hard-core workout. I say "hard-core" b/c your work-out is what you make it. I just switch up the levels now. FYI: Took me around 60 days to complete 30ds. Go through the levels at your own pace. Keep up the good work!! Best wishes on your journey!! :)

    And... always consult your doctor if you have concerns regarding a workout regimen, no matter what anybody on MFP has to say about it.
  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    I've been doing lunges and squats are part of my leg workout so I've learned good form for them. I've never done them as quickly as she does, so that will be another thing I have to take slow.
  • emcdonie
    emcdonie Posts: 190 Member
    Wow you all blow me away even considering that at the higher weights. I am 318 right now. Not long ago I tried a few jumping jacks and I couldn't get past a couple. It felt like my knees were going to expode. My fat apron had a huge flop that seemed to jar every joint in my body so hard I didn't dare try again.

    Since then I have had the abdominal hernia diagnosos, of which while offered surgery I decided to avoid for now. But it does heighten my fear of injury overall. It all makes me wonder how safely I can push myself without injury. So far I have been walking or using an exercise bike and playing it safe. But I don't want do to that forever.

    I am glad to see this thread and see what others push to. Wow! Such inspiration.

    How does one decide between pain that needs pushed through or pain that is about to cause a major joint injury?
  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    It is a good idea to talk to a doctor about what your body can handle. My doctor told me to work my way up which is what I've been doing. I wouldn't even think about this if I hadn't already been doing lunges, squats, dumbbell workouts, and cardio. The key is to try to do a little bit better than you did in your last work out every time!

    After a while you start to feel the difference. Good pain is kind of a burning feeling in the muscle. Bad pain is like that feeling when you twist your ankle. Don't be afraid to start light and work your way up! Check that link I posted up above and maybe check out some of those workouts. They could get you started with some light weights so you have some resistance training in there.
  • Fitorbust73
    Fitorbust73 Posts: 80 Member
    I think if you do the modifications (i don't do jumping jacks... i know Jilian says I can but i don't i modify to a squat jack) I just started it 5 days ago but I can already see a difference... each time I seem to be able to do a bit more... I expect I will do level 1 for about 15 days.. Then level 2 15 days -- then level 3 15 days... So mine is like 45 day shred :-)
  • AmandaTWaH
    AmandaTWaH Posts: 181 Member
    I think if you do the modifications (i don't do jumping jacks... i know Jilian says I can but i don't i modify to a squat jack) I just started it 5 days ago but I can already see a difference... each time I seem to be able to do a bit more... I expect I will do level 1 for about 15 days.. Then level 2 15 days -- then level 3 15 days... So mine is like 45 day shred :-)

    I can do jumping jacks but not for as long as she does them in the video. My knees would hurt too bad. My plan was to do what I could and then modify the rest.
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    Like other's have said be careful with the jumping jacks and butt kicks. I had been walking 3 miles 4 times a week and still they caused me to have shin splints.