High fat, low carb? John Briffa and Barry Groves

Hi, I have just finished reading Escape the Diet Trap by Dr John Briffa and I am currently reading Natural Health and Weight Loss by Barry Groves. They both seem to really suggest a diet of low carb and high fat. This makes me quite nervous as I have done the Atkins and failed. This time I want to try and take info from these books and try and incorporate this into my everyday life so it is not a diet but a change of life style. I am starting by cutting carbs to a minimum during the week days and then being a little more relaxed at the weekends if we eat out at a restaurant or go to friends for dinner. Part of me feels that I can do this but there is a nasty little negative voice saying that I am mad what is the point I will just fail like always and get fatter in the process. Has anyone tried this way of eating and did it work?


  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    I am on this type of diet and I love it. I stick to it during the week and allow myself one day to go crazy. I get about 10% carbs, 25% protein and 65% fats. I've been doing it for about two months, I just posted my progress pics in the success section under "two moths progress pics" if you'd like to check it out. I've combined this way off eating with working out mostly strength training.
  • Thanks that's good to know!
  • My nutritionist put me on a similar low-carb and hit-fat diet for the first four weeks of the 12-week program I am on. I have lost at least 2-4 pounds per week since starting. I track all my food and exercise in MFP. My nutritionist also set my goals manually in MFP.

    Good luck meeting your goals! :)
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    I find I have more success if my starchy carb intake is limited and my carbs come more from fruit and veg. However, like you I do relax a bit at the weekends, and I do increase my carb intake on my heavy training days, if I don't I tend to get "the bonk" (big energy crash) and can't continue my training session.
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 229 Member
    I did the Celebrity Slim (low carb) diet 18 months ago and it worked really well.

    The problems occurred when I stopped the diet. I put on all the weight I lost (and some) because I didn't see it as a permanent lifestyle change, just a quick fix.

    Now I limit the processed food (bad refined carbs) that I eat and focus on the foods with a low GI and this works a lot better for me.

    I wish you luck in your weight loss journey and hope you do better than I did.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    You should find the diet that is right for you as this is something that you should look at as a life long change.

    I eat high carb, low fat because that is what works for me.

    One thing you should also remember is that you may experience a lot of weight fluctuations going from low carb to high carb due to your glycogen stores being depleted when eating low carb. Just don't freak out on gains when eating higher carb as its not fat. Just track your calories and tweak until you figure what works best for you.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    At least 65% fat and less than 15% carb for me. (by calories, not weight)

    Been doing it for months gradually upping the fat, works for me, progress is great, energy good, no cravings.

    I knew of Briffa's stuff, I'll check out Groves, ta.

    You might want to check out The Diet Doctor's website, he covers the whole LCHF thing in Sweden.
  • agamos69
    agamos69 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been following the Dr Briffa method after reading his book Waist Disposal. After the first 3-4 weeks I have a noticeable difference in my body fat and lost around 4kg (from 85kg to 81kg). It has felt odd eating so much "good" food and still loosing weight. It's been 2 months now and I'm feeling great although I have not lost any additional weight - but seem to be losing body fat never-the-less. I haven't dared try any carbs since starting it though - I don't want to see myself explode overnight!
    Good luck.